10 Signs You're Getting Attached To Someone | Love Story Today
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Monday, April 8, 2019

10 Signs You're Getting Attached To Someone


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When  you start finding it difficult to go a day without talking to them,no matter how much you  look for distraction, you can't just bear with not speaking or chatting with them.

You want to tell them everything that's happening in your life, whether good or bad they're the first person you want to tell

 You want to know how they're doing, how their day is going ,you just want them to bring you up to speed with events around them..

You start missing them a lot even if you just spent hours with them,you stalk them,you find yourself reading and re-reading chats and text you shared with them,you revisit conversations you had in your subconscious.

You want to be the centre of their live,no one else should matter but you , you get jealous the moment they begin to get close to other people

Feeling something strong for them makes it home natural for you, you are your real self around them  because they make you feel comfortable.

They readily come to your mind when the things you know they like happens, when you hear a song they like or their favourite sports comes up.

You share funny stories to them,you tell them jokes you've heard,you're simply excited involving them in everything you find exciting.

You want to mention them at every point, you talk about them even without reasons.

Their name  puts smiles on your face,any mention of them gets you excited.

You look for reasons to talk to them,you call to ask  small questions. It can't just go without  bringing them in.

Here you need to hold your breath and ask "Do they feel the same way too?"
So you won't  end up  hurting yourself, be sure the feeling is mutual otherwise start doing a work on your emotion to avoid yours being a "fatal desire".

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