My First Transactional Intimacy(He Refused To Pay Me But We Had An Agreement) | Love Story Today
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Friday, May 31, 2019

My First Transactional Intimacy(He Refused To Pay Me But We Had An Agreement)


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I lost my dad few years ago,because he was the sole provider for the family life became pretty hard for us.

Picking up the pieces,we started  fishery business and that's how we've been surviving,but along the line  the business crashed due to  vaccination failure.

And that was how we lost everything , since then my mum hasn't been doing anything there's no money to come back into business .

I'm in my 200 levels in the university currently and I'm running a part time Job …I do daily contribution also ,my salary is twelve thousand naira, that is what I use for transport fare  for me and my sister  and to take care of our needs. 
My boyfriend supports also even though he's not well to do.

There's one of my customers who's been disturbing me since,he's married,so on wednesday  there was nothing at home,no gas and foodstuff, the guy called as usual and  I agreed to meet up,my reason was to beg him for some  money then pay back when I can.

When I got there we got talking and he said he can give me 20k oh well that's a lot for me right now and he said he doesn't want a refund he wants sex.
We dragged and I was like okay,at least the money can fill gas and buy some foodstuff before I get paid
We got intimate but instead of giving me the amount we agreed on,the guy started saying he'd call me the next morning to give me the money,I was like " Bros that's not our agreement " 
That was  my first transactional sex .He said he doesn't have money on him that he'd call me and there was nothing I could do.He gave me one thousand naira for transport fare
He said  that he doesn't have the money now,that he'd call me in the evening to give me.I didn't get his call ,when I called he didn't take my call ,after I called severally and he didn't pick up I had to call him with a different number as he heard my voice he ended my call

I just realised he blocked my number this morning
Sincerely  I feel so stupid right now

It's not as if I sit at home and do nothing,I'm a student plus I'm also doing daily contribution .

I can't get a good paying job right now because nobody wants a part time worker,
The whole thing is just so annoying.

Admin's Note-I took the Guy's number from her and called him,he didn't deny though he said he hasn't paid because he's having troubles that held him back.

But I told him that it's unfair of him,he knew he had no money on him but he didn't tell her instead he lied just to get what he wanted.
I told him he must pay all the money,it's a transaction and the agreement stands,
Before this publication the girl called me and told me he sent her five thousand naira .
I cautioned her seriously and told her to desist from such act,she is above 18 and she gave her consent.

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