Love Story Today: lifestyle in Lagos
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Showing posts with label lifestyle in Lagos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle in Lagos. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2019

My First Transactional Intimacy(He Refused To Pay Me But We Had An Agreement)

I lost my dad few years ago,because he was the sole provider for the family life became pretty hard for us.

Picking up the pieces,we started  fishery business and that's how we've been surviving,but along the line  the business crashed due to  vaccination failure.

And that was how we lost everything , since then my mum hasn't been doing anything there's no money to come back into business .

I'm in my 200 levels in the university currently and I'm running a part time Job …I do daily contribution also ,my salary is twelve thousand naira, that is what I use for transport fare  for me and my sister  and to take care of our needs. 
My boyfriend supports also even though he's not well to do.

There's one of my customers who's been disturbing me since,he's married,so on wednesday  there was nothing at home,no gas and foodstuff, the guy called as usual and  I agreed to meet up,my reason was to beg him for some  money then pay back when I can.

When I got there we got talking and he said he can give me 20k oh well that's a lot for me right now and he said he doesn't want a refund he wants sex.
We dragged and I was like okay,at least the money can fill gas and buy some foodstuff before I get paid
We got intimate but instead of giving me the amount we agreed on,the guy started saying he'd call me the next morning to give me the money,I was like " Bros that's not our agreement " 
That was  my first transactional sex .He said he doesn't have money on him that he'd call me and there was nothing I could do.He gave me one thousand naira for transport fare
He said  that he doesn't have the money now,that he'd call me in the evening to give me.I didn't get his call ,when I called he didn't take my call ,after I called severally and he didn't pick up I had to call him with a different number as he heard my voice he ended my call

I just realised he blocked my number this morning
Sincerely  I feel so stupid right now

It's not as if I sit at home and do nothing,I'm a student plus I'm also doing daily contribution .

I can't get a good paying job right now because nobody wants a part time worker,
The whole thing is just so annoying.

Admin's Note-I took the Guy's number from her and called him,he didn't deny though he said he hasn't paid because he's having troubles that held him back.

But I told him that it's unfair of him,he knew he had no money on him but he didn't tell her instead he lied just to get what he wanted.
I told him he must pay all the money,it's a transaction and the agreement stands,
Before this publication the girl called me and told me he sent her five thousand naira .
I cautioned her seriously and told her to desist from such act,she is above 18 and she gave her consent.

What's your thought? Share on the comment section.
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Friday, May 17, 2019

11.45 Pm At His Closet

His warmth was everything, his strong arms circled me and had the whole of my body wrapped up in  his arms,my head placed on his broad hairy chest,his right  hand moved up and held my head from behind, his fingers brushed my hairs, picked them strands by strands,pushed them back and revealed my shiny forehead.

My eye lids blinked, his fingers stroked my hairs some more  then moved a little to touch my forehead, it felt warm and soft.his touches were subtle,

My skin had it was out in the  early morning rain , my tommy skin folded ,he ran his  fingers down my face and  touched my face all over ,his middle finger found my lips and dropped on them.

He whispered all the while, words of endearment, in a low tone,he proffessed love to me,his voice was deep,he promised to love  me forever , I raised my head to steal a glance at his handsome face and our eyes met and Locked.

I wasn't aware he's been staring, all the while his eyes were fixed  on my face,taking in every details.

I made to look away, I  became shy all of a sudden,little smile was on his face as he held me  softly on my jaw with his right hand, "don't look away sweets,I love the look in your eyes" he said, I curled my body to his,I was shy,but I could do nothing, my face was in his hand.

He looked deeply into my eyes,steadily he looked,seconds gone into minute, two-three-four oh my,my body shivered and my knees got weak.

He was quiet,I was quiet, yet I could hear him speak to me,I heard him in my subconscious.waves and waves of emotions surged through my nerves and my vein tfed excitedly, our eye balls rolled,the smiles played still on his face,

I felt moist in my eyes,my lids  blinked,then he bent slowly till his lips found my lips and covered them ,his hands held my body tightly,

Firstly it was a soft kiss on my lips ,then his tongue parted my lips and slided into my wet mouth,his tongue roamed inside my mouth licking and sucking every part.

His tongue found mine and locked,he kissed me passionately, I loved the feeling, I kissed him ,his tongue rolled over mine  and my tongue rolled over his simultaneously, the pleasures built up,waves of pleasures ran all over my nerves,he pushed his tongue deeper,like he wanted to touch my throat, I curled deeper and deeper,my body and his body entwined,it was warmth all over,his fingers touched me all over ,his tongue licked every part of my mouth and locked in my tongue.

It was ecstatic❤

It was pleasurable💓

It was thrilling❤

It was passionate.💓

Tiny sounds escaped me.I heard his gbod,I could feel the veins round my cleavage tighten.I felt funny all over my nether region.

He pulled away from me,a little space between us,that moment I wanted more of him,I didn't want him to stop,I held his hand as he made to put my head on his shoulder "please don't stop" I whispered, he looked at me and smiled,my eye balls  were  dull and the lids could hardly open,my body felt so light,it was pleasured "I'm not stopping baby" he whispered back "just want to make you feel a lot  more comfortable" he said

He lifted me ,placed me to his shoulder,he took short steps and got  to his bed,he bent slowly and placed me on the nicely made bed,like Someone pushed from behind, he landed on the space beside me.

It was a beautiful cotton bedsheet that we covered ourselves with, each one of us held the other like so nobody should escape "are you not mine?" he asked in whispers because I shrugged at his touch on my womanhood.
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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Boy Bestie?No Way,The One I Have Is Destroying My Love Life

I was one of those  who always say"if my boy best was there before you  then he's staying ",but  from what I'm going through in the hands of my childhood friend who's been my best I'm asking" who needs an enemy with friends like this? 

Dear Stan,

I told you I was traveling out  to see my fiance,I'd be spending the weekend ,we had enough time the day before for little talks,we spent hours gisting and laughing  deep  into the night.

I took the last flight  after work and got to my fiancé's house very late in the night,I still took out time to send you a  message telling you I arrived safely.

Very early in the morning the next day  my phone rang,I was in bed with my fiance, it was a saturday,no  any one of us will be going to the office, he was sleeping the morning away, I picked up my phone lazily and checked who's calling, it was you.

I was surprised to see your call,I thought it could be something urgent, maybe you needed an information,"Hello Stan what's up?"I asked ,you  chuckled "everything is good Laide, you're at your fiance's?"you asked " yes"I replied, I waited to hear you out but you said nothing reasonable, you were chuckling.

I took a look at  the clock and it was 7.15 am,it was too early for any personal call ,especially on a saturday when people will be resting at home after a long week days at work,too early for non emergency call,not good time for random conversation
You knew I was at my fiance's ,you had nothing to say  yet you barge  in that early, I touched the red button and the line went dead.

You called back but I ignored your call,you sent messages abusing me  but I ignored you.

You've been a thorn in my flesh Stan,a fly in my milk for so long,I  had no love relationship with you,you are my childhood friend, we  have spent almost all of life together, we have natural likeness for one another,often times we've discussed our relationship and agreed we feel nothing amorous for each other, there's no sexual feelings between us,we were like siblings.

You're older with just two years but you protected me like I'was twenty years younger, we have been there for one another, we shared a lot in common! we borrow each other money and support each other in everything.

I support you whenever you find love, I loved the girls you loved and support your relationship to good growth.

But you don't do same for me,each time I find love, you always had something negative to say ,you scrutinize my relationships and  always come up with negative reports, you've disrespected my dates,you're always hostile to the guys I meet

Severally I've pleaded with you to let me have a love life ,at my age I should have a man I can call my own,you promised to change.

Meeting Gill was everything I wanted,he's my kind of guy,caring,loving and committed, I went into this relationship with determination to make it work,I don't want another failed relationship, this one should lead to "happy ever after", I warned you to stay away from Gilbert and I.

You started your devilish behavior, dropping on Gilbert and I, barging in and causing unnecessary bitterness in  between,you said you don't like Gilbert, how is it your duty to choose who I fall in love with?who appointed you the lord over my life?

Gilbert knows already that something is going on and he's not comfortable with the fact you're having so much influence on me.

I will no longer let you do that, we got everything good but it's time I make a choice, and I'm not choosing you, I'm choosing the man my heart loves and wanted, it's either you accept that and remain the friend you've been to me or you  walk away from me,so far away you either take this plea or you face the consequences,I'd definitely not take it easy this time.
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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Important Things Ladies Should Consider Before Dressing Up For A Wedding

We get ready for  weddings excitedly,for various  reasons  we always  see weddings as a joyful  event(ofcourse it is) so we are always   all about  dressing  up to impress  as well as feel good and look  our best .

Maybe you are an all weekend  wedding  guest   or  you  have  not been to one  in a long  time, it's  important we take  a little  review of  what  we should wear to  a wedding and  what  should  stay  at home.

To help put it straight   here is  what a fashion  expert   has   to say.


Most  solid  colors and simple  patterns  are the best, you  would want to  look your best and  comfortable with the  cameras  everywhere !choose a narrower  perceived width with  horizontal  stripes.


Remember the  first  rule of thumb? "if you  can wear it to church  you  can probably   wear it to a wedding "
While we agree you  should  lool  hot,weddings isn't the  appropriate  place to  show  off your   body, so go for  something  longer and more  appropriate.


Having a cue  of where the  wedding  is taking  place will  help your  choose


Consider the  setting  and time of the  wedding to decide how to dress.


Gone  are the  days  when  we are forbidden to  wear  black  dresses to wedding, LBD isn't  only   dinner and  dates  wear  any longer, visit the  mall and  pick up some  beautiful   black  dresses, you  are probably  going to be wearing  them  plenty.


Go for nice  dress  shoes  you  can wear  comfortably  for few  hours


For the  artfully -styled  photos of the  bridal  party with  family ,dress in similar shades of same  color palette.
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