Love Story Today: Nigeria
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Showing posts with label Nigeria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigeria. Show all posts

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Young Man Living With HIV Virus Seeks For Woman With HIV Virus For Relationship.

A young  man with  instagram  username  @vicent4926  left a comment   stating  that  he is HIV positive and  he is looking for a  lady  who is HIV positive  and resides in Lagos for a relationship. 

This comment  came. Up two  days before the  December  1st world.   HIV awareness  day. 
His comment  attracted  series of  reactions, some young  women  came up indicating that  they are  HIV positive. While some  people   Lashed out , and called  him different  names. 

We do know that viruses  mutate, the  fact that two  people  have HIV virus doesn't  mean the two  are acceptable to each other,she may have  different  strand of the  virus  that  could be  deadly to   each other's   system. 

Abstinence  may be a toll order  considering the  seemingly   huge  desire for  sex amongst  today's  people, but  this. is obviously  the  reason  the  HIV rate  is very  high in Nigeria. 
If Abstinence is  hard, Why not use condom? 

Safe sex. Is definitely  a better  route, instead of  going out and  getting  intimate with  other  people  living with HIV, and indulging in  unprotected  sex with  them and  other people. 

Let's  learn to keep it safe, if we want to  eradicate  or  even minimize  HIV virus .

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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Important Things Ladies Should Consider Before Dressing Up For A Wedding

We get ready for  weddings excitedly,for various  reasons  we always  see weddings as a joyful  event(ofcourse it is) so we are always   all about  dressing  up to impress  as well as feel good and look  our best .

Maybe you are an all weekend  wedding  guest   or  you  have  not been to one  in a long  time, it's  important we take  a little  review of  what  we should wear to  a wedding and  what  should  stay  at home.

To help put it straight   here is  what a fashion  expert   has   to say.


Most  solid  colors and simple  patterns  are the best, you  would want to  look your best and  comfortable with the  cameras  everywhere !choose a narrower  perceived width with  horizontal  stripes.


Remember the  first  rule of thumb? "if you  can wear it to church  you  can probably   wear it to a wedding "
While we agree you  should  lool  hot,weddings isn't the  appropriate  place to  show  off your   body, so go for  something  longer and more  appropriate.


Having a cue  of where the  wedding  is taking  place will  help your  choose


Consider the  setting  and time of the  wedding to decide how to dress.


Gone  are the  days  when  we are forbidden to  wear  black  dresses to wedding, LBD isn't  only   dinner and  dates  wear  any longer, visit the  mall and  pick up some  beautiful   black  dresses, you  are probably  going to be wearing  them  plenty.


Go for nice  dress  shoes  you  can wear  comfortably  for few  hours


For the  artfully -styled  photos of the  bridal  party with  family ,dress in similar shades of same  color palette.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Healthy Tips To Help You Manage Your Ulcer Pains&Home Remedies

What is an Ulcer ?

It is a sore that  develops  on the  lining of the oesophagus,stomach or small intestine.

Ulcer is an open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal. Ulcers range from small, painful sores in the mouth to bedsores and serious lesions of the stomach or intestine.

There are about  100 thousand of reported  cases of ulcer  every year in Nigeria and over  500,000 all over the world.

What are the Symptoms?

The  most  common  symptom  of peptic ulcers  is abdominal pain,
Stomach  ulcer  pain   usually  in the upper  middle  part of the  abdomen,above  the  belly button (navel) and below the  breastbone, it can feel like  burning  or gnawing,and it may go through to the  back.

Ulcer may also be caused  by overuse of  pain killers such as  asprin(Bayer),
and other  nonsteroidal
 anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen(Advibl),Motrin,and naproxen(naprosyn)

 To be sure  one  have  an ulcer, medical  diagnosis  is required ,medium terms  can be resolved  within  months.

What  Causes  Ulcer? 

Skipping  meals and going for a long time without eating can cause the gastric juices to irritate the stomach lining, in addition when we are very hungry we tend to eat too much food! Which can cause the digestive system to become increasingly sensitive

Ulcers  may be caused by the Helicobacter pylori(H.pylon) bacteria, however  it is not everyone  with  H. Pylon that   will develop an ulcer.

Ulcer pains  are treatable  medically, there are  natural ways one can treat  an ulcer  and rid of  the  pains.

Treatments  consists of antacids, Treatments usually  includes  medications to decrease  stomach  acid  production ,if it is caused by bacteria, antibiotics maybe required.

Pains from an ulcer  keeps a lot of  people uncomfortable, both young and old,however one can manage  ulcer pains  and kick it out through  some  natural  means


Cabbage Juice. Cabbage is a popular natural ulcer remedy. Doctors reportedly used it decades before antibiotics were available to help heal stomach ulcers. It's rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant shown to help prevent and treat H. pylori infections

Aloe Vera, a concentrated aloe vera drink was used to successfully treat 12 patients with stomach ulcers , In another study, taking antibiotics with 1.4 mg/pound (3 mg/kg) of aloe vera daily for six weeks was as effective as the conventional treatment at healing ulcers and reducing H. pylori levels

Researchers have discovered that turmeric polysaccharides can alleviate gastric ulcers by protecting the mucus lining of stomach and inhibiting the growth of an ulcer-causing bacterium1. ... Cellular oxidative stress and Helicobacter pylori infection reduce mucin production and boost acid secretion in the stomach

Honey, Honey is a powerful antibacterial and has been shown to inhibit H. pylori growth. As long as you have normal blood sugar levels, you can enjoy honey as you would any sweetener, with the bonus of perhaps soothing your ulcers.

In a recent study, eating two cloves of raw garlic per day for three days helped significantly reduce bacterial activity in the stomach lining of patients suffering from H. Pylori infection

Tips on healing your ulcer 

Don't smoke.

Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol (or have them only in small amounts and on a full stomach).

Avoid spicy foods if they cause heartburn.

Eat  well cooked food regularly ,avoid  confectioneries.

The  milk therapy and the truth.

It might help for a few minutes but milk also stimulates your stomach to produce hydrochloric acid and that can make the ulcers hurt worse. ... You don't have to avoid milk (a serving or two a day is fine), but drinking more milk won't help the ulcer heal.

(This post  got  some  information from  -university of  Ibadan  medical school )

Post compiled  by me for omaleeblog
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