Love Story Today: United Kingdom
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Monday, December 10, 2018

5 Necessary Hygiene Skills Everyone Should Know

Applying  Deordarants  is not optional, the  skin has a hidden foul smell that  can  be triggered by  little  activities, once sweats  are produced, the smell becomes  offensive. 
Get Deordarants  type that is suitable for your skin and use  it. 

Brushing  Your  Teeth
 If you  can't do it for yourself, please  do it for others, I don't know how someone will go a whole  day without  brushing  their  teeth .

People around you  smell your breath, maintain a  fresh breath,use breath-freshening  mouth wash ,which neutralizes Odor,  breath -freshening mouth washes are  easier on the taste  bud and contains  low alcohol  content 
Antibacterial   risers are so good in counteracting  plague and gingivitis

Use brush that is good for your  gum texture and  toothpaste  that  has protective  elements. 
Wash your mouth  after every meal. 

You don't  walk around  smelling like   rotten  fish, wash your cloths as soon as you  wear them. Do not try to cover the smell with  spray, it only  creates  foul smell. Put them in water and wash with  soap or detergent  suitable for  the  material and color, washing machine  makes washing  easier these days. 


Bacteria can easily  grow under your nail,, don't try biting  off your  nails using  your teeth, it is  irritating  
Soak  the tip of your  fingernails  in a warm, soapy water  for about  3 minutes, then use a nail brush or a clean tooth brush to scrub all over your  fingernails, use nail clippers to cut your  nails straight across at the  beginning of  the  opaque, overgrown  tips. 


Rinse your  hair thoroughly  with warm water ,condition your  hair with  shampoo, if you  have  long hair, gently  massage shampoo  into the  roots of your  hair. Do not shampoo the end of your hair  if you  have  long hair. Rinse your  hair and  squeeze  out the excess water. 
Dry with  hair dryer.,do this  at least  every  week

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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Young Man Living With HIV Virus Seeks For Woman With HIV Virus For Relationship.

A young  man with  instagram  username  @vicent4926  left a comment   stating  that  he is HIV positive and  he is looking for a  lady  who is HIV positive  and resides in Lagos for a relationship. 

This comment  came. Up two  days before the  December  1st world.   HIV awareness  day. 
His comment  attracted  series of  reactions, some young  women  came up indicating that  they are  HIV positive. While some  people   Lashed out , and called  him different  names. 

We do know that viruses  mutate, the  fact that two  people  have HIV virus doesn't  mean the two  are acceptable to each other,she may have  different  strand of the  virus  that  could be  deadly to   each other's   system. 

Abstinence  may be a toll order  considering the  seemingly   huge  desire for  sex amongst  today's  people, but  this. is obviously  the  reason  the  HIV rate  is very  high in Nigeria. 
If Abstinence is  hard, Why not use condom? 

Safe sex. Is definitely  a better  route, instead of  going out and  getting  intimate with  other  people  living with HIV, and indulging in  unprotected  sex with  them and  other people. 

Let's  learn to keep it safe, if we want to  eradicate  or  even minimize  HIV virus .

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