Applying Deordarants is not optional, the skin has a hidden foul smell that can be triggered by little activities, once sweats are produced, the smell becomes offensive.
Get Deordarants type that is suitable for your skin and use it.
Brushing Your Teeth
If you can't do it for yourself, please do it for others, I don't know how someone will go a whole day without brushing their teeth .
People around you smell your breath, maintain a fresh breath,use breath-freshening mouth wash ,which neutralizes Odor, breath -freshening mouth washes are easier on the taste bud and contains low alcohol content
Antibacterial risers are so good in counteracting plague and gingivitis
Use brush that is good for your gum texture and toothpaste that has protective elements.
Wash your mouth after every meal.
You don't walk around smelling like rotten fish, wash your cloths as soon as you wear them. Do not try to cover the smell with spray, it only creates foul smell. Put them in water and wash with soap or detergent suitable for the material and color, washing machine makes washing easier these days.
Bacteria can easily grow under your nail,, don't try biting off your nails using your teeth, it is irritating
Soak the tip of your fingernails in a warm, soapy water for about 3 minutes, then use a nail brush or a clean tooth brush to scrub all over your fingernails, use nail clippers to cut your nails straight across at the beginning of the opaque, overgrown tips.
Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water ,condition your hair with shampoo, if you have long hair, gently massage shampoo into the roots of your hair. Do not shampoo the end of your hair if you have long hair. Rinse your hair and squeeze out the excess water.
Dry with hair dryer.,do this at least every week
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