The Poison My Man Gave Me(You Think You've Been Betrayed By Love? Wait Till You Read My Story) | Love Story Today
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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Poison My Man Gave Me(You Think You've Been Betrayed By Love? Wait Till You Read My Story)


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If I didn't date Theo before  accepting his marriage proposal ,maybe by now everybody would be calling for my head  and saying stuff like "You just met a guy and married him" or "How can you marry a man you barely know?", but this was a guy I met in my university days.

I was in 200 levels when Theo came into my life, getting admission into the prestigious university of Ibadan was a dream come true for me,I was barely 17 years and top most  on my mind was to excel in my study and make my dad proud, off to Ibadan I went  to study  medicine clutching this at the back of my mind..

The lest thing on my mind was a love affair, I was naive and a novice in the game of love, even Theo noticed and asked severally'how a beautiful intelligent young girl like me was that prude?", it was rare according to him" young girls my age were already  involved in series of relationship ",but I wasn't, I was brought up in a godly family ,my mother taught me and my three younger sisters to fear God and stay away from immorality, I had few male friends but they were just boys in my neighbourhood and it was merely platonic friendship.

Caught in the bustling university environment, girls go out with guys without qualms, it was gradually becoming normal for a girl to hang out with a guy unlike what was obtainable in the Ikeja area of Lagos where I lived, parents were always on the look out for their girl-child.

Theo crept into my heart with his endearing ways,he visited me everyday, gave me lovely gifts,he took me to the park every weekend and wrote beautiful texts for me,I enjoyed every moment we spent and I could not stop myself from falling head-over-heels in love with him.

We started dating and life was good, Theo made my stay in the university fun,he loved me and treated me  with special affection, he's four years older than me so he treated me like a younger sister and I loved him very much,he graduated before me but I didn't feel it,his family lived in Ibadan so he continued  the visitation ,this time it was more exciting because he brought me food from his house and took me  out to inside town,his love increased day by day

I was lost in Theo and I didn't realise I didn't visit home in Lagos for a whole session! my parents were worried, my mom refused to accept the explanation I gave her about having loads of project to tackle ,she insisted I should tell her the truth, as her first daughter we shared a lot in common, I opened up to my mom and told her everything  about my relationship with Theo,my mom reluctantly accepted him but cautioned me seriously and advised I should not throw away my virtues.

So it was normal for my family to accept Theo when he came with his family to ask for my hand in marriage, he got a Job  immediately after his graduation in a multi-national firm and he was living fine,both family have come together over the years to become close knitted, our relationship was the sweetest.

We got married the traditional and church way and started living together, I married my heartthrob and life just begun,it was in the time of my housemanship,I was three months pregnant ,Theo's company sent him for a course overseas,he was to spend four months,it wasn't easy for me to let him go considering my condition but it was  for his growth and the better life of our family "we will soon welcome our baby ,we need to make life comfortable for our future kids,I need to work hard and this course will help open a new chapter in my life" Theo said *Let me go Baby,I will keep in touch regularly, you can trust me on that "he continued.

Oh yes I trusted Theo, he's always been the doting,caring and loving man,he called, texted,sent money regularly, he made sure his sister visited regularly to help me out, when my pregnancy got into the seventh month which was the month Theo was supposed to come back,he convinced my mom to come stay with me.

Theo told me there was an opportunity for him to settle down in Europe and work with his company's head office, he pleaded and explained it was for our good,I accepted, he said once he settled down he'd  bring me over to join him.

Labour came and I had my baby,a beautiful baby girl,she looked so much like her father, Theo wasn't around me to welcome his first fruit,he watched me through video and followed up everything.

From the first day my beautiful daughter Cheery arrived, she became my world,I loved her with all of me,I gave her double portion of love,Theo kept procastinating his home coming,today he'd  tell me that  he's  having  issues with  papers,tommorrow  it will be his residence permit it felt horrible.

I finished from school and got a job at the university teaching hospital, It was difficult coping without my husband around, our daughter was growing rapidly, my mom  was so helpful, she told me stories and cited examples of women who went through similar path and  told me to keep holding on,I got used to life without my husband close by,I made do with seeing him on the video and hearing his voice.

My daughter Cheery clocked 8 on March 12th ,it was two days after her 8th birthday that she saw her father for the first time,I was in the hospital when my phone rang and my driver was on the line,he said I should speak with   "Oga" "which Oga?" ,my mouth hung with my husband's voice filtering into  my ear,Theo!?what? how?I screamed and ran out of my office, the patients and staff ran out staring at me to find out what's happening, there at the car space my husband stood,arms akimbo, he looked every inch his handsome  huge self,more lovely he looked, I jump into his wide spread arms and screamed even more.

No word could describe my feelings, why didn't he give me prior information? he said it was not planned and he wanted to pull a beautiful surprise, it didn't matter anyway, I have my husband and that's it.
The next one week was carnival for me and my daughter, she asked her father million questions at once and told him million stories at once, I took one month leave so I could enjoy my husband, my director understood and granted me,everybody was happy for me.

We came in from an outing, it was on the tenth day after my husband's return, he was in the bedroom with our daughter and I was in the kitchen fixing fruit juice for our deserts then my phone rang, it was a woman's voice, unfamiliar but she sounded friendly, she called my name "Naomi" she said she's happy to finally speak to me,she said her name was Agatha and she's my husband Theo's wife, she said they've been married for seven years and had three kids between them,two daughters and a son,she said she knows about me and Cheery and she knows that I dont know anything about her and her kids.

I didn't know how I managed to get to  my room but it was  a hammer blow, Theo stuttered all through but the truth was glaring, Agatha was right, all those years Theo was telling me stories of him having paper issues, he married an Afro German and lived  having kids with her,for seven years,he lived with another family and never bothered to tell me.

It was God who kept me alive, I fainted from time to time,I gasped for breath,my family rallied round and  supported me.

Its been over one month now and am yet to make a meaning out of the whole thing.Theo kept apologising but it doesn't change anything, he betrayed me and stabbed me in my heart,he ridiculed trust and made nonsense of love and loyalty, he disrespected me and I promised him hell,he has plans to travel back to europe,definitely  to continue living with his other family in Europe while I stay in Nigeria as his "Nigerian wife",he bought a new house and asked me to move in with my daughter and promised to never let me lack,

I  will never forgive him,if it means going to hell I'm ready to go to hell rather than forgive Theophilus.
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  1. This is..... Oh my Goodness!! I can't navigate through this heartbreaking, hurting story.

    Is this really what a lot of ladies get in return for loving a man?, a man you have your all.

    I feel so hurt myself, like this particular sin is unforgettable and unforgivable.

    Only God can help you heal.
    For real I am still shocked at this story.

  2. God will surely see you through
