Sometimes something happens and you will be just too much woman,too smart, too strong, too beautiful.
You become too much of almost everything, that makes a man feel like less of a man,and this will make you uncomfortable ,which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman.
But that will be the greatest mistake you will make, when you start removing flowers from your crown,when you start shrinking trying to become smaller ,to make it easier for the men.
but you're only removing your true essence, you're only trying to devalue yourself .
I want you to understand that you do not need a smaller crown,you need a man with bigger hands.
Big enough to welcome your feminine energy, your vulnerability, your wholesomeness.
You do not need to be less of who you are in order to be accessible.
The man who's worth complements your value will find you.
High value men are not afraid of feminine energy, they hold space for it.
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