Love Story Today: Valentine day
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Showing posts with label Valentine day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine day. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2019

14 Love Notes To My Valentine.

It is in relationships  we are wounded and in relationships  we're  healed.

Relationships are dichotomous  for in them we receive  kisses &wounds, blessings and  curses, security and exposure

But as the  age old  saying goes "I'd  rather  have  loved and  lost  than to not  have  loved at all"
As valentine day draw closer,I  leant into myself and found few words to express how  you  make me feel ,everyday I thank God for  bringing us together,I promise to love you  forever,my love my valentine.

The feeling  I get  knowing that someone like me is loved by someone like you,is the only boost  I need to face the world.

Life is not about the amount of breath you take ,but the moments that take your breath away. 

If you have  one hundred years to live,then I will have to live  ninety nine years,three hundred and sixty four days,I cant  live a day without you.

I will spend forever loving you,forever still wont be enough,if there is another life,I will still live it excitedly celebrating how wonderful it felt to love you and be loved by you.

Your romantic and Suave presence makes a day feel like it has less than 24 hours,how can we not live here till eternity?I make an earnest prayer to God,to keep us together ,forever even after life.

Did you love what you read?feel free to download or copy your favourite note and share with your #valentine,if you need me to help you write poems,love note or goodwill messages,kindly send me a mail

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Rooting for you

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Thursday, February 7, 2019

When He Is Toxic But Got Enough Manhood To Put You To Sleep.

A younger  me for instance, felt like  my energy was too much for  me and others, at my late teens and early  twenties. I craved for a man who will be man enough to  put  his feet down for me.

Not really  beating  me because I  will  dislike  automatically  anybody who comes  harshly  at me.
I needed a  man with  strong  will to tame me.
Getting into  my mid  20s all that  changed, I found out my energy  was my beauty, the rare attribute that  separated me from others  and  made me unique.

I began to  crave for  real masculinity,a man who speaks his truth, someone  I can share vulnerability with.

When   he's  not IT, he sees me as bossy, arrogant and full of self,
When he is IT, he embraces  my full energy and  brings out the best in me.

I think  it's  mostly because  so many women are afraid of speaking their truth, and breaking  their  selves open.
They  live in secret

Before I realized  he was damaging  me, George  was the  best thing that  happened to me, in my foolish  mind though, I  would  do anything to be with  him.

I was 19 and just  started  dating, I met him before  Fredrick, you remember  Fredrick? I didn't know  I would  ever live without  him, he was  a  pleasant  guy, charming and  sleeky in a very  dangerous  sweet way.
Like  always  my younger  sister  didn't  like  him"he looks  dangerous, like he will  harm you at any time and  flee" She said  one afternoon, I was getting ready to  go out on a date with  George.
"I love  him dearly, he makes  my heart  race,I love   how  he  makes me  feel", I replied her, not wanting to  give in , Scholarstica my sister   was such a critic, she had plenty ways to look at everything and  brings out  different   sides  to it and most times she's  hardly  wrong ,but George  was my Prince Charming, I was ready to be damaged  by  him.

I saw myself  breaking  my own rules, I did odd things without qualms, George was a party animal, coming  from a   humble  catholic  family,there are rules handed to us by my parents for us to obey, one of them was 'to not stay out late into the  night ' ,but George  wanted  me out with  him every night, so I had to find a way, there's a  small  gate at our backyard  that  linked  our main building to the  general  compound, it was always  locked  up at 7 pm every  evening, I found the  spare   key so each time I will be going out at night with  George. I will  go to bed so early, I will make excuses about  having  projects to work on, my parents  lives in a  different  building  but in the  same compound.

If George called to tell me he's  coming to pick me, I will  sneak out through the  gate and  run to where he parked  his car to meet him, he'd  drive off to the  club  where we'd  dance  till the wee hours of the morning.,he'd  drive me back  to my house and I'd  sneak in through the  gate into  my room, once I  get in and  shower, I'd  go to my bed and  sleep.

My parents  always thought I was resting  from reading  far into the night, I didn't  mention it to my sister, I knew she'd  not take  it from me.

All the things George  loved doing  were against  my family  rule, I took turn  and broke all of them.,he was a sex addict, so every  meeting  had him sticking  his huge  Manhood  inside  me and  doing  very crazy things to  my body, it was against  my parents  rule to engage in   pre-marital  sex, but George was  simply  irresistible,like a dangerous  drug, he slipt into me and got me intoxicated, foolishly I  didn't  ask any question,

Suave and differential, I became a slave to  George's   evil passion,he knew I was helpless with  him, in my  young  tender  heartI loved him and  wished  he'd be  there for me everyday, even if I had to disobey  my parents.

Though  he was from a very good  home ,George  was  a person  of his own,had fleets of friends and  lived  life jollyly, so one evening  ,in the tenth  month of my relationship with  him, I was in his room sleeping  after    rounds of sex, I didn't know  he has gone   out,  I woke  up  to find   I was alone  so I looked around  to see if I could  find anything to keep myself busy ,I wanted  Chess so I opened  the  drawer  where  he kept  the pack to  pick
 It out and my hand  fell on a metal-like  object  instead, I removed  my hand and  looked inside  and saw a gun.

My body shook and  shivered, I felt  cold and hot simultaneously,what could  George  possible  be doing with a gun? different  thoughts  ran through  my mind. I knew I'd  ask him, I did eventually and got the shocker of my life.

George  slapped  me countless  time, he kicked him mercilessly ,he was furious  and asked me how  did I dare? 'what took you to that  drawer?" how on earth  did you  get in there? I was too shocked to talk I cried  helplessly, and begged him to take  me back to my house, he locked  me up inside  his room and  left with the  key,

I stood by the window  and cried, it was very  late   into the  night and I couldn't  get home  alone, I stood and waited  for morning, my head ached, I felt  pains all over my body, I had to squat and leaned by the wall,I didn't know when I dozed off.

A soft tap on my shoulder woke me ,I was startled, I opened my eyes and saw  George  kneeling beside me, he looked sober but I didn't  need all that, I needed to get back to  my house, I started  crying again and  begged him to take  me home, he knelt  there  pleading with  me to forgive him,

I checked  my wrist watch, it was few minutes to 5 am, I got up and entered   his   bathroom, I had a quick  bath ,dressed up and  started  walking out, at that  time I could  pick a cab that  would take  me home, George  tried  so much to stop me but my mind was made up.

I got home and sneaked into  my room, my family  already  got together for  morning  prayers  when I came in, I joined them and spent the  prayer hour crying  silently, that was  when my sister  started suspecting  I had been up to something ,she knew I didn't  sleep in my room, in fact  she said she was sure I didn't  spend the night  at home but I refused to  tell her anything.

George  called  and messaged me  but I didn't  answer his calls  nor reply to his messages, he didn't  give up, he kept  pushing, tried to explain  over and  over again  how he was  arrested  by the police on his way home that  night because   he was driving without  light, then he returned to my questionnaire, he begged me to forgive him and promised to  never  beat me again .

Gradually  the hurt started  wearing off and I began to  miss George's  company, because I didn't  discuss him with  my sister, there was no one to advise  me, I believed  my emotion  wasn't deceiving me, I went  back to  George again, he was always  sweet in all his ways, he swept  me off again.

By the time my sister  found out  I was already torn emotionally,George had a lot of girls he kept, when the shades began falling, I didn't  believe I was in that  shit-pit, he beat me up again and again, his manhood  always  put me to sleep, I felt  it cannot  happen better with anybody, I stayed hoping  he'd  become a  better  man, the more I sticked  by, the  more I got bruised,

The day I told  him I was ending everything, he locked me inside  his room and had sex forcefully with  me for 3 days, I  was lucky to escape  and ended up in the hospital because I felt  dizzy all through.

There was nobody to punish him because  it was a life I lived  secretly, my sister  didn't  believe it was not a spell. I begged  her endlessly to keep it  away from our parents.
My sister  stood by me until I  healed, I changed  my number and made sure I avoided  George.

If he  is carrying  25 inches between  his legs or he knows how to make you  experience  toe-curling, earth -shattering  orgasm, he is only  making you realize that it's  possible and that you are  capable of  bringing out such magic.

It does not mean he is  the   only one that  has the  magic, he is  only showing you the  attributes you  posses  it can also happen with  someone else .

No matter how  sweet   someone  makes you feel, it is not the  farthest you  can go, they  helped  to open up  your  ability to   experience  sweetness deeply.  They are only showing you what is possible

Even if it's the  sweetest  you've  felt, you  can still  feel something  sweeter, it is in you and  not in them.

You  shouldn't mortgage your  happiness and  peace of mind because of the  feelings they  give you, there are  healthy  partners  with  heavier  inches  that you  can have.,someone who can make you  experience  something  better and you will still feel safe.

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