I Can Understand My Husband's Emotional Pain But My Ex's Life Is Also Important To Me. | Love Story Today
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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I Can Understand My Husband's Emotional Pain But My Ex's Life Is Also Important To Me.


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The  decision to  marry Steve  was    meant to  save so many things  ,but it ended up  distabilizing  and destroying  so much .

I am all alone  battling  every  force that come my  way.
Everybody  is against  me, Steve, his family, my family  ,our circle  of friends, even known and unknown  forces.

What  was my offence?
I gave one pint of  my blood  to my ex boyfriend, my own blood!!

Ernest was my school  boyfriend, we had plans to get married   but  midway into  our NYSC, Steve showed. Up,
To be frank,I had no much  love for Steve, he was a likeable  young man  full of energy and vitality, he was doing  very well  in his business and  he  had enough to  give  me a comfortable living,So   I decided to leave  Ernest and marry  Steve, I  felt Steve had brighter  plan  and future  for. me.Ernest was a fresh  graduate  just  like  me, he had a lot of  plans  but had none  going on  yet.

Ernest  was heartbroken, but  I had issues to sort out in my family.
My mum and Dad earned  little  from  their  teaching  Job, as educated as they  were, they  didn't  plan their  family, my mum had Seven of us, 5 girls and two  boys, I was the  oldest, I knew how I managed to  get through  school, from my high school  I did holiday Jobs, worked at petrol stations and shops for peanuts .

It was looking  blank for my younger  siblings, they  kept  waiting  years.after high school to  seek for university  admission in order   to give  spaces for one another so my parents  can cope with the  funding.

Nobody  does anything for  anybody. my uncles  were  all training  their  children ,we  had to manage  the  available  resources  within  our  reach.
These  were  what I  considered  before I  made that  decision to  marry  Steve.

It was not like me and Ernest   didn't  have something  good, far from it, our love was amazing,we shared  fantastic  moments  together, it was painful and  hard for me, deciding to  leave him, but I chose to live  for the  moment.

It was only  few months   after  my wedding, exactly  six months  that I  got that  distress  phone  call, Ernest's  older  brother  Israel  was almost  crying  while  he told me  about  Ernest's condition, he was involved in  a ghastly  accident and  he needed  blood. Ernest was AB-,we share same blood type, we knew from school.

Because  the  hospital  was  few  kilometres away from  my house, I dressed up immediately and  drove  down to see Ernest, in my mind  I decided to  donate  my blood  to save him, if that  was  the  only  thing  I  can give to him.

It was successful  and  Ernest  survived. I was so happy and relieved, I visited the  hospital to see   him a couple of times before  he was discharged.

Just  one month ago, that is  five  months  after  Ernest  left the  hospital, my husband  came up with  accusations  upon  accusation, he claimed  I was seeing  my ex, he accused me of planning to elope with  him with  his money,

Truth was  I didn't  tell my  husband  about the  blood donation, I didn't  have any case  on that, I apologised to  him but insisted  I was never  involved with  Ernest  since I  married  him and I  had no plan of leaving  him.

My husband  went  on to tell his family and  my family, and everybody  came  hard on my neck,my home has suddenly turned into an oven, my husband  threatened  fire and  brimstone. I'm  so confused  but I'm not  regretting  helping  Ernest to live  again, If I have another  chance, I will  still help him again.
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