: Frienemies. Our Beautiful -Enemies > | Love Story Today
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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

: Frienemies. Our Beautiful -Enemies >


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 'Emma Ugolee wrote"Keeping frienemies is yet one of the lousiest concepts known to mankind "

Frienemeies (plural) a person with whom someone is friendly despite fundamental dislike or hatred.
'there exists companions disposed to break one another to pieces 'proverbs 18:24

The ironic co-existence of companionship and ill -wishes beats my mind
that a pair or group of people will be classified as friends for unmistakable reasons of how well they seem to get along and yet will nurse a well fed 'bad belle ' that cannot wait to see evil befall the other party is one too weird for my comprehension .clearly it takes legendary hypocrisy to sustain that companionship .this ones must have inspired the saying 'with friends like this who needs an enemy '?

On the flip side .a lot of people seem to enjoy this 'eye service ' kind of companionship. 'they are not for me yet I am doing well 'they see it as an energy booster,struggling within themselves just to prove the point that 'those who are for me are greater than those who are against me '
'let my enemies live longer and see what I would be in future" becomes the slogan. for those dwelling in this scenario ',what if the evil machinations catches you unawares? It'll take someone closer to you to unearth your jewels.surrounding ourselves with people of goodwill not only gives us peace. It keeps our minds at rest and helps us channel our energy into productive ventures rather than spending our time searching for phrases that could convey our mind's constructions to this group of people .

'Severing ties like that would portray more honour and dignity by my reckoning ' the veteran Presenter continued
Whatever happened to dinning with a long spoon once the devil is spotted. .?

So when next you have the need to put up the status'your plans will not work'on your BBM, WhatsApp,
Facebook and other social media space in reference to someone please ask yourself firstly 'what is the fellow doing on my contact list?"
Stop setting yourself up,lose bad company enough of the smiles on the face that brings stabs on the back. Let them go

Emma Ugolee is a seasoned TV host,A writer and the producer/presenter of the "all entertainment" talkshow "the gist" showing on hiptv channels 324 on dstv and 74 on gotv.
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