Most women from time to time suffers from the embarrassing canal skin sensation and burning problems. Controlling the urge to itch vagina in a social or work environment becomes a necessity and that can cause a lot of discomfort.
Vagina and vulva can swell and turn red, In some cases there is discharge with unhealthy odor. You may also face urination difficulties.A lot of women dread this itching and burning and many have tried several drugs and ointments,but still have the burning come back,making life uncomfortable for them.
Worry no more , below are what you need to get the comfort back down there.
Garlic with its very good antibacterial and antibiotic properties kills the yeast and bacteria in vagina.
*Chew 1-3 cloves of garlic every day. it will kill micro-organism in your abdomen,
" It improves immunity ,this helps to avoid future bacterial attacks on the body.
*For application , you will require garlic oil. You only need a couple of drops of garlic oil
Add 2-3 drops to warm water ,mix it
then open the lips of your vagina and apply in and out. Apply 2 times a day. It will kill the yeast and bacteria and give you relief from the itch.
(2) Apple Cider Vinegar
"Use diluted apple cider vinegar in water. You can decide the exact proportion of apple cider vinegar and water ratio by gradually increasing the Apple cider content and checking which ratio suites you for the best results.
*You should use apple cider vinegar to clean the vagina as well as drinking it daily.
(a)Add one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of room temperature water and drink it every day morning and evening.
(b)Add a table spoon full in a glass of water and wash your vagina. Increase the amount to a pair of table spoon and wash once more. Third time add 3 table spoon full in a glass of water and wash your vagina. If you can handle more Apple cider Vinegar in water without getting any sting, then use the highest tested quantity of Apple cider Vinegar in water to wash your vagina twice daily.
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