What is penile cancer?... It is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the penis .Nigeria has a record of about 10,000 cases per year.
What causes this disease?
Almost all penile cancers begin in the skin of the penis. Causes and risk factors for developing penis cancer include
human papillomavirus (HPV) infection,
not being circumcised,
poor hygiene,
many sexual partners,
tobacco use
Here are 5 key points every man should know about penile cancer.
1,Lack of circumcision is a major cause
Penile cancer is almost unheard of in men who have been circumcised men with foreskin are at risk due to a condition which the foreskin is difficult to retract
2… Older men have higher risk of penile cancer
Research has shown that Men 60 years and older are the most at risk to get penile cancer.
3,Most common symptom is skin change on penis
These may have a firmness to the touch and are relatively painless
They appear as flat red areas on the penis it along the body and foreskin.
4,Treatment can be partial or total removal of the penis
There are two operations one undergoes, partial or total removal of the penile gland.
5…Long term prognosis is encouraging
If it is caught at a completely resected stage ,prognosis is very good.
Improving men's understanding of the risk factors is key to aiding early intervention.