Love Story Today: sex
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Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2019

I Can't Play That Role (To The Man Who Wanted Me)

Good morning,
 It was not a tough decision for me to make  because  I'm  guided by grace, as a human I may not be able to do this.
I weighed the  options, how is he going to feel? how will it sound to him? the  mental strength in every woman  comes to fore when  she is faced with a situation  like this, -standing for what is right and pleasing the  guy that  she  cherishes.

You remember the  day I asked If I can visit  Belgium?you  replied "What would I tell my  woman? " it's  simple to comprehend  for me.

There's a woman in your life ,she has been there  with you all along. coming in simply  means  I'd intruding.

Believe me at this stage  in my life I know  I am too valuable to be an after thought. I can't  play that  role.
It hurts  me to think  all I could  be for you is a bedmate,  I'd be the woman to  travel with you  and  meet you so we can have sex, eat, drink, have sex and sleep, wake up  and have sex  again and then  I'd  travel  back while  You travel  back to your  woman '

I jokingly asked you the plans you have for our "friendship" which has seen  us spending years together and doing businesses, I sincerely would have wanted something more than being "just good friends", I secretly wanted you and I hoped something better could come out, I didn't know about this " woman " whom you told me  her story two weeks ago,that was after three years of my friendship with you.

You  said  "I love your friendship, I appreciate your company, your intelligent contribution to the team ,I would love to have you in my life as long as you'd permit me ",and this was days after you told me you'd love me to move into your house  at Walnut, which was where you live and  work,your family lives in  Belgium,you visit them from time to time.

It's against my principles,I know what it took me to get to where  I'm  now and I am not ready to compromise.

It may sound strange but you'd have observed that I've  always being  careful whenever it's intimacy talks.
I'm not proving upright and prude  not at all.

I am only saying that  I am too good  to go sleeping with a man with a woman in his life. It is not my  style ,no matter  whatever  benefit that relationship  promises.

It  doesn't  mean I don't  value having you in my life but when it's  becoming obvious that your needing  me around you  is for fun, I'd  not be part of it.
my  self will be disappointed in her if ever  I belittle  me by getting involved in such  activities.

You made it clear that your residence in Belgium is a no go area for me because that's where the woman who has been with you since you were 20 years old lives,I can move into your house in walnut, have access to your cars and everything I want,you promised to pay me every month and make me a Life member of your team.

It sounds so good and sweet ,I would gladly accept this offers if you are single and working towards something tangible for you and I.

But it's all for amorous living, playing your side roles ,I'm sorry but I am not taking any part of it.I'm  ready also to drop my role for the team if it comes to that.

Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to try new things.
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Sunday, March 3, 2019

My Boyfriend's Friend Is The Neon Demon(Pt3)

I didn't  mention it to anyone, not even my sister, Maurice and  I continued  seeing  each other  secretly, Allan   images came through  my head and thoughts  but I'd  always  brush it off "he doesn't  deserve  me" I'd  tell myself, but who deserved  me? I knew  my affair with  Maurice  has no foundation, I was lost in lust for him and he took his time and gave me dose after dose of his sweetness.

Midway into  our amourous affair, Maurice  changed job and moved to another city, he asked me to join him and promised to get me a job.
I told my parents that  I got a  bigger offer in another  city and want to  move  out,my parents  weren't  comfortable with the plan but I did my best to convince  them, my sister  whom I kept  in the  dark about everything I did with  Maurice joined  me to talk to my parents, I promised  my mum that  I would be  visiting  regularly, on the night  before  my departure, my mum prayed for  me and told me to always  pray and  promised to  always  pray for me. I packed my belongings and met Maurice at the airport ,we boarded a flight to   Marrakesh ,that was how I started   cohabiting  with  Maurice.

The first  few months  were  great, we had some good days and some bad days  you would expect?, trying to  get acquitted to his new job and  the new city  Maurice  didn't spend much time at home, after four months  and yet to get a job, I lived off him, he was into me greatly  and I was into  him, he tried to provide  for me as well as keep the house and still  fend for his people  back home.

I stuck by him ready to give him all the support, we sometimes  brought up talks about  those we left  behind in the city where we came from,  Allan and my parents, Maurice assured me  he'd  never make me cry, he gave me money to send to my parents  from time to time, I called my parents  regularly and my sister and  Gladys  my friend,I made them believe that everything was okay with me and that I was fine.

One year  into our living together and  no job coming, I told Maurice to let me start  up a business, it was boring  sitting  at home all day, he spent late nights at his office while   I cuddled up with  my pillow  without  a word of complaint, when he returned  I  would be available  to offer  him anything  he'd  need to make him sleep  peacefully,I hardly  think about  myself.

Maurice  asked me if he's not  taking  good care of me? he was but its important that  I get busy, I told him, but when I noticed it was bringing issues  between us  I had to let it go.
I stayed at home, I cooked, I cleaned, I washed and I waited, Maurice   worked and traveled and returned to the  bedroom  anytime and I was at his beck and  call, I did all these  without  asking  any question,I was willing to serve him, I signed up for all these  but I didn't  sign up  for the  heartbreak  and humiliation  I got.

As the day went by Maurice  became  a stranger  to me, his late nights created distance  between us, we lost communication,it became difficult to  get him to talk, I tried severally to make him understand that we're drifting apart  but he waved  It off, and claimed it was his new business "once I'm  settled in, I will be available all day"

But it wasn't to be, the distance  grew and the the secrets,Maurice stopped sharing his activities  with  me my  ice cold heart tightened, I waited for Allan his promises of "marrying" me legally  before  going  to meet my parents  officially,

I was wrapped under the bed sheets, he returned  late as usual and  bent over to kiss my cheek as usual, which  had become  disgusting  lately, I closed my eyes and  kissed  him back, then I turned  around as he walked  away, to the shower, my eyes  fell  on a Little sheet of paper that  fell off his  breast pocket, I picked it up and looked at it casually, then looked at it curiously.
I was not ready for what I saw butI knew better than to make noise about it,

I gathered  myself together and followed  her up, she had his heart while I was in his house, taking  care of his food and scrubbing his apartment, she knew nothing about  me neither  did Maurice  knew I read the  note  where she listed  all she'd  be needing  for her maternity, she ticked the items she bought  already,she was expecting a baby with  Maurice  in a couple of  months and they  were happy.

I made arrangements  with a kind  lady I  met at a mall nearby, she agreed to  accommodate  me till I get hold of myself and  join her in her business  or go back to my former  city, I saved  some money from the  allowance  Maurice  provided for  me. He hardly  return home early  so I hard enough time to move  out my essentials, I left a note for him on the  bed, I thanked him for his candid decision to  destroy  me and bird my self for being  so stupid for living in denial of a clear truth.

The  weight  came heavily on me, I cuddled up  under the covers  nursing  my wound, thinking on how to go about  explaining to  my family of the mess I made of my life and how to begin  living again.

Maurice  kept  bursting  my phone with  his senseless  calls, I didn't care. how fierce  the fire that  will  burn him was, his empty  words were so heavy
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Friday, January 18, 2019

Have You Ever Loved A Married Man? Yes, My Worst Experience Ever . Read My Candid Response To My Client's Question.

Dear Chioma, Please  I want to  ask you a question and I need an urgent response  because I am losing my  sanity
Have you ever been in love with a married man?

Honestly this is the situation  I found  myself in ,Am madly in love with a  married  man, And now it is like he  met another girl!,suddenly  his attitudes  towards  me changed,I don't understand him much again
:I am so disturbed.

Yes I have loved a married man so deeply ,he felt something  very strong for me,

It felt  like  I would  not live  without  him, it was  difficult for me to go a day without  him.

I still  remember with  nostalgia  though  how many times I  wished  he wasn't  married  and wished  something would  happen and  he sends  his wife away, so I can have  him all to myself,
His was a young  marriage, he loved  his wife  and does everything to make her happy, I was filled with  jealousy, at night  I stayed up biting my  lips, knowing  fully well he's  curled up his wife in a warm embrace, most likely  stroking  her hairs, kissing  her and cuddling  her and  eventually  ending the night and  starting the  new day, making  sweet  passionate  love, it was  killing  those  crazy thoughts  always  fill  me up with  rage.

I sent messages at odd times  just to  get his attention and probably  distract  him from his wife.

Now I always imagine how  I would  feel if some other  girl was doing  all these for my husband and I found out.

He made it clear at every opportunity that  he had no plans for divorce, he knew  he wanted me in his life as much as I did,
, but he was  married, there was  nothing we could do but to quit, I had no plans of being a second wife, even if  he'd wanted me to and  more  strongly  my parents  wouldn't  have  given  their  consent! at that  point in my  life, my conscience  travelled to an unknown  destination,the affair seemed  okay and justified  as far as we were  concerned, we were in love, we made out, did several trips together, spent  quality times and  did  business,

Then the  break came when  my mom  found out,till date I still  can't  tell how she  did but she put her feet on the  ground and  saw us wave  goodbye to  one another, it was  devastating  for me,

I went  through  emotional torture,I thought  my world  has ended, but at the end we found a way out. We stopped talking for a long time and stayed away  completely from  each other.
After  over  three years, I am still  asking  God for forgiveness. I pray to not  have  the  man I will  marry  get into  similar  situation, I know  It'd be  heartbreaking for  me, I finally  found a  conscience.

You  see it is nature and the  law of attraction  does not recognise  relationship  status.

What helps someone out  is self control and  principle,
These are the  elements that will  help you  recognise the  vices in what you  think  feels good.

It is always about  being  considerate, putting  yourself in the  other woman's  shoes, asking questions, and being  sincere in your answers.

Can I let my husband  love another woman?

How will I  feel if my husband  is giving the  attention  I should  have to another  woman?

What  am I gaining  stealing  another  woman's  emotional  time  and sharing  her moment? Would  I want to  be her for one  day?

Would  I forgive  another  woman if I found out she's  wishing  my place was hers?

But do you  really  understand the  implications?

 The  man may get so carried away with you and  begin to  lose interest in  his wife ,these  may begin to  affect  his relationship with  his woman, he will  no longer be  comfortable spending time with her, their sex life  may begin to  ebb, he may start  comparing  times with  her and times with you, eventually  his attention  shifts  over to you and  the  woman  will  be plunged  into  agony.

Cracks will definitely  begin to  show and the  home  will be  distabilized and the  kids will  suffer the most, the  distance between their  parents  will  definitely  affect  them. meanwhile  you are somewhere enjoying  the  forbidden  love and playing the  devils  advocate.

You are  disturbed  he may have another  girl, but did you  for once  think about  how the  woman  he is legally  married to  will  be feeling  when she was also thinking  her husband  may be with you?

 Allow yourself to  step into the wife's  position  for one day ,imagine you  feeling everything you wished her and  everything  you  did with  her husband, imagine  her wishing them on you and  doing them with your  husband .

If you  feel  good, continue  because  one day soon, you  will be at the  receiving end  but if they make you uncomfortable, then send me a mail to receive  free tips on  Overcoming  unwanted  Feelings  and Beating  Obsession.
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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Essential Foods To Help Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile  problems are usually  due to  not having  enough   blood supply to the  penis,so foods that are good for your  vascular  system will help to  prevent  Erectile dysfunction,

Useful Foods You  Should  Stick To

Leafy Greens and Beets.. They  contain  Nitrates

Pistachuos..contains  lot of proteins

Arginine  is the  Marvin  Gaye of amino  acids, it relaxes  blood  vessels and enables  blood to flow, helping you get and  keep  an erection.

Watermelon  juice-contains Antioxidants

Oyster and other  shelflfish-c.ontains a lot of zinc
Zinc boosts  testosterone levels and helps enable  erections and  healthy sperm,

Havard researchers  found out that deficiency in  vitamin  B12 has been  linked to erectile dysfunction

Men who drink 2 or 3 cups of coffeine daily are less likely to have Erectile dysfunction.

Dark Chocolate
Chocolates are very rich in flavanol and plant nutrients that  can increase  blood  flow


Proper  contains  stuffs  that give them  their heat,these relaxes the arteries  that  helps    blood  flow  to the  heart, and other  organ, including the heart.

Nutrients in  grape juice increases the  amount of  nitric oxide in the body


If plaque  forms on the walls of the  arteries, blood  flow could be cut off or reduced ,that  could  cause a problem when it comes to romance,  using  garlic in your  diet   clears your  arteries and keep them healthy
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Friday, November 30, 2018

When His Kisses Couldn't Warm Up My Cold Heart.

I met a  guy at a conference my organisation  held with  their  affiliate  companies,we got talking , from that first  day we shared a  seat during  accreditation, there was  something about  him that  was  irresistably  attractive, he had this  charisma ,his baritone  voice was  deep and pierced   through my  skin pores, his smile  was  disarming, I knew  I wanted to get  close to  him for  what I  can't  possibly  have a  hold on,

I found myself  flirting with  him, I would say  he had an upper  hand  in the  flirting, he touched me  on any part of my body  and smiled  rather than  apologise  whenever  I look  quizzically  at him,

 Within  2 days we  had told  each other,basically  everything  there is to tell about  us, our  family, our job  and  our  personal lives,his name  was  Precious, he worked with  one of the  companies .a chartered accountant.
 it was  a week long  seminar, we spent  practically  every of the  minutes  together, after a while  we felt  like  there  was huge  sexual tension between us,
Eventually we made out, had series of sex, deep in me I knew it's not going anywhere, the  last two days  saw me faking  orgasm. It was  clear  there was  no deep soul  connection, it was  merely  lust, he had great  body and amazing  personality
the  feeling  had started  wearing  off

The  conference  came to an end, I was  excited to   finally  say goodbye to  him, he  wore  gloomy  look  all through  ,obviously  not wanting us to separate  but I gave  no damn, for. me it was about the  moment. we exchanged contacts, I didn't  bother  calling  him.
He called  a couple of times  but I wasn't  interested in  keeping it intimate.

It seemed like we will end up  losing   even thr  friendship if we didn't  take  caution.

We took some  time  off, we didn't  talk for weeks, even months.

Then  we met again  after  six months.he hardly  got over  me but I moved on even  before the  conference  was  over.

We agreed  to keep it  cordial  instead of  parting ways  completely, he wanted  me but I' was  not ready for  any commitment .

I have  met guys I really  like but had to  move on  because it wasn't  to be,
I got to know that there are people you  like that  you  can't  date,there are people you  love  that you  wont't  marry

There are people you  truly  developed  strong feelings for but it's not right

One should  have the  ability to   choose,there are people who should be  your friend, no matter how  much you  yearn to be so close to them, it will  never  get  to  intimacy  level, because there are  different  stages of  feelings, there are  fondness, there are  lust,there are love,there  are also feelings  we develop out of  loneliness.

Other feelings  are created  by closeness, having  close  contact  with  the  opposite sex sparks  some  hormones  in our  body and the  feelings  always yearn to be satisfied, when it is not, it lingers especially when we keep fuelling it by creating  thoughts on them and building  fantasies

The  best thing to do is ,talk to ourselves, telling us. It's us giving  away our power  sheepishly, then withdrawing from whoever is igniting these  feelings and then soaking ourselves into  activities that  makes  us happy
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Couple's Goal(Reasons You Should Add Morning Sex To Your To-Do-List

Morning  sex makes you  more  productive
Sex has been proven to  be a means of  relaxation to  the  body ,it   also boosts  happiness,

In a voxpop conducted by sex therapists, a participants  said'I feel like I  can tackle the day and  be more productive  after  having sex in the  morning, it relaxes  me, the  soothing  company of my  spouse makes  me feel loved and warmt, I feel ready to  face the world after morning sex”

Morning  sex helps you  beat  morning  stress
Sex floods your  body with  oxytocin ,which  makes you  relaxed and happy
Make out some time for a little cuddling  before you  get into the shower

Morning sex  helps  you Connect better with your partner
Getting closer to the one Person you shared the night hours with has a magical tone to deep soul connection, imagine pulling closer and wrapping two bodies together after being in a separate world? that early  hour bodly communication has some spiritual bonding.

Men Lasts longer While  having sex in the morning
It has been proven that men lasts longer during sex in the morning,they tend to have control over the timing.
Survey shows that men spend longer time during sex in the morning than any other time of the day.

Count as workout 
The short and gradually built up tempo that happens during sex automatically is a form of exercise. The sweat are let out in addition to the relaxing therapeutic effect on the body.

Your  testosterone  level are higher in the morning
Because  your  testosterone level are higher in the morning, it. Increases your  sex drive, mostly  men wake up in the morning with a hard on,
Sex is significantly better when you  are already ready and rearing to go

Which in turn boost your immune system
And also makes you feel younger ,it keeps  your brain active because you're  relaxed,  it keeps you focused.
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Friday, November 23, 2018

Memo To My Ex(Why Did You Claim I Left Because You Were Poor?)

 It's the  most  wicked statement  anyone  has made about  me through  out  my  24 years on earth, more  insensitively  coming from you. 

I didn't  say you  don't have right over your own opinion but  come on Tobi, it is quite unfair  when we try to rob other people of their  essence just in a bid to feel justified.

You and I know the truth, if you  don't want to admit it well I can understand your  grudge  ,but it is important we put the records straight for posterity sake.

Remember I told you that I had  no issues with your  financial status when I  met you and agreed to date you? I knew what I wanted  in the  man I would  choose, getting closer to you and I saw and experienced an embodiment of a whole  man with  blazing  talent and future, even though there was  no much  financial comfort with you  I felt safe! You  offered  me. Masculine  warmth ,I felt  safe in you.

I craved  for more knowledge, I wanted to tap into your  resilience spirit and  follow your  goal-getter  spirit to push  my own vision.

Remember how we met? It was the  spark of intelligence that  brought us together, in that show where you  were the  guest  speaker, we sat close to each other and shared ideas. the event  over you  offered to  drive me home.

I was  the happiest girl on earth  seated  beside you that evening was an awesome  privilege.

We agreed to meet again while in the  car,you looked me straight in the face and  told me you're  privileged to  meet a rarity  like  me.

We met at the  'Gold Gardens'two days later, it was an interesting evening, I was  surprised to find out  you're such a fun loving  man, you're only intelligent,you were humorous, I laughed so hard to your stories. It was a quick  jelling, it wasn't up to two weeks that we met and  we became an item, even  before you  officially  asked me out I was  already playing the  role of a girl friend to you.
[11/23, 14:44] chicrystal90: We spent  practically every day together, I was on holiday

So it was all about us,me and you.

Firstly you said we should start a prayer session, according to you, it's for God to guide us through as your plan is for you to spend forever  together. I accepted. We prayed 3 times in every week.

At this point I asked for exclusivity talk,you didn't ask if I'd really want to be in your life permanently. It was a cool Friday evening, I was already getting ready to go back to school,I think I had just a week more to spend at home, you called me earlier to ask if I'd be free by evening of that Friday so  we'd go out together for dinner, I wasn't engaged on any activity ,I agreed and we agreed for 7pm

It was a memorable night, I wore a simple camisole over a black belly-pants,it was a warm evening best for sandals. the colour fitted well on my chocolate were waiting already by the time I got downstairs, you drove to Gold gardens and we settled in an empty couch and made our order.

Dinner was quick, it was light too,we sip from the classes of wine,you told me your plans for the future,your  business and relationship, it was at that point that you asked me out formerly,

You poured some wine into a glass,took my hands in yours and we made a toast to be together.

I went back to school and life continued, how could you forget how frequently I called? I was in far away England and you were in Lagos Nigeria, the UK has just an hour different with Nigeria and it's always around winter otherwise we ran the sane time zone, the times I'm in the classroom, you're at home, mostly .it was a bit difficult coping, still I was the one doing all the calling ,the call tariff was Hugh on your side so I took it as a duty you whenever we needed to talk,we chat as well to make up.

Let me  remind you that my school timetable was stressful, I was in my 3rd year which was  an exam level, when studies got deep and exams closed up I wasn't capable of handling my school work and keeping a long distance relationship. I kept explaining to you

I was surprised when you failed to understand my plight, you were once a student I expected you would understand and  support me but it wasn't so,you turned to a nagging  soul,you critized everything I did,you accused me of dating other guys insinuated it was  because you  were not rich that's why I

So you forgot that morning you called me another girl's name?I'd called to check on you, your  response was  cold,I tried to cheer you up ,I sang Celine Dion's 'power of love' to make you smile ,it didn't work at all instead you called me another girl's name while trying to tell me to keep quiet.
It happened more  than I could understand, I brought it to your notice but you didn't  give any explanations.

You weren't rich but you lived comfortablyI didn't complain for one day,I promised to stand by you and work hard too so we can build a good home,I still don't understand where you got that view of me neglecting you because we  came  from families of different  financial always talked about my father's over pampering  me and how it will affect  my choice of a partner, you didn't let  me make the mistake myself instead you concluded and turned your back on me without a word.

I was writing my final exams,it took all my time and attention, I  sent messages and called at my spare time,I couldn't wait to  get exams over and done with so I can rush home and be with you.
I missed our interesting company, our conversations and pillow fight. I craved for your company like never before.

I would be an understatement to say I was shocked getting back to Nigeria and meeting an aggressive you, there was no welcome, you acted like  I was a Long time for looking to reconcile with you. I felt maybe it was because we've been through some trying time not been together.

It continued but I held on trying to  ignite the fire back,it was so dull and boring those days I  would come around your house and you'd leave me  all alone to hold meetings upon meetings.

You finally broke the ice ,you told me that you've moved on because you didn't think things will work bêtween us.

Check your messages I'm sure you'd see a message or two from me to you pleading that we give us a chance, I waited but you didn't turn back.

How did all these mean me pushing you away because you didn't have so much money at that time?
I know you will read this, please I would want you to tell your own side of the  story so that people will read and give their thoughts, if I'm to be blamed.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Couples Goal (5 Best Times To Have Sex)

Trying to  have sex as many times as  possible in a day could be a handful for  couples that  have  works to do each day,however there are best times to  make it happen even without  planning it and it still  fit in,the couple will  still  go about their  business   while savouring  the  passionate moment  they  shared.

These  times mentioned  have  significantly   stood out as the  best over time.

1,In the morning.. It feels like the  body was made for  morning  sex,the increase in oxytocin level is higher in the morning ,oxytocin   keep you bonded   together  while endorphins boost your  mood.

2,Before a big  presentation

Research  shows that having sex calms the  nerves ,lower  blood pressure and reduces stress
Reduce the  sense of anxiety and  stress that  many people feel when  having to  speak in public

3,When you are feeling  a little under the weather

Studies shows that having sex can actually boost your immune system

4 The  14th day in your  cycle

Two weeks into your cycle .your clitoris  becomes 20% bigger and engoged, it is a delicate period as this is the time every woman is likely to  conceive this is one of the reasons  most women  feel like having sex during their ovulation. your  clitoris is swollen and  massive  orgasm is a sure  bet. , it is a danger period for people that  have  no  plan of making  babies.

5,After a  workout
Blood flows to the  genital region 169% higher after a workout  which  increases the sex drive.
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Monday, October 29, 2018

Women Know When You Can Get Pregnant,This Is How Your Monthly Cycle Works.

It's worrisome.  when a woman is expecting to start  making  babies but the pregnancy isn't  coming. Some women don't really understand themselves. Their body and how it works. For a woman to know how fertile she is. It's important she knows how her body works. Let's take this one after another.

A woman must be going through the ovulation cycle to be able to get pregnant. She must know when she could get pregnant and her safe period.
So  Ovulation is top on the list and according to medical definition OVULATION IS
the release of egg from the ovaries. In humans, this event occurs when the de Graf's follicles rupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells. After ovulation, during the luteal phase, the egg will be available to be fertilized by sperm

How does the ovulation work? Work out the length of your average menstrual cycle. Day one is the first day of the menstrual period and the last day is the day before the next period begins. Ovulation happens about two weeks before the next expected period. So if your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14.

Some women can experience a sensation and or cramping type pain during ovulation. The pain is felt in the lower abdomen, on one side, being the side of the ovary releasing an egg. This pain is called mittelschmerz, which comes from the German words for "middle" and "pain."
Ovulation usually occurs between 12 and 14 days before your period starts . This is an average, so it could be a couple of days earlier or later. For example, say you have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle
If fertilization does not occur the egg dissolves after 24 hours. At this time your hormone levels will decrease and your uterine lining will begin to shed about 12-16 days from ovulation. This is menstruation (menstrual period) and brings us back to day 1 of your cycle. The journey then begins all over again
Know Your Days. There are only six days during any cycle when a woman can get pregnant - the five days leading up to ovulation and the 24 hours after ovulation. This is because sperm can live for up to 5 days in a woman's body, and the ovum lives for only 12-24 hours.

 However, the key to knowing when to get pregnant is to know when you ovulate. Figuring out the exact timing of Ovulation can be tricky, because it does not happen at exactly the same time each cycle.

The cyclebead  could help.

 This is how

CycleBeads lets you know when you can get pregnant by identifying 12 potentially fertile days each cycle – Days 8 through 19, where Day 1 is the first day of your period. These 12 days take into account the 6 days when pregnancy is possible as well as the variability in the timing of ovulation from one cycle to the next. Surveys of women using CycleBeads to get pregnant show that they are highly successful, with more than 80% of women getting pregnant within 6 months and the vast majority achieving pregnancy within the first 3 months of trying to conceive.

How to plan pregnancy using cycle bead
To use CycleBeads to get pregnant, a couple should have intercourse as often as possible (preferably at least every other day) during the potentially fertile days of a woman’s cycle - days 8 through 19.  That’s it. It’s that simple to get pregnant using this method.  Using one of the CycleBeads tools can help a woman to track the days of cycle to get pregnant and ensure that her cycles are in range for using this family planning method most effectively.

If a woman is not pregnant within 6 cycles of using this method and has been actively trying, she should talk to her doctor to make sure that there are no health problems that are keeping her from achieving pregnancy.

While  it is possible to estimate ovulation more exactly, it is a challenging process that requires time and training and the tracking of information such as cervical secretions, basal body temperature and charting throughout the cycle.  Some women may also choose to use ovulation prediction kits, but these can be expensive and only indicate a very narrow window of time during which a woman is fertile. Meaning that women using an ovulation prediction kit may miss a number of potentially fertile days. 

For women with regular cycles between 26-32 days it is much easier to simply know that you can get pregnant as early as day 8 of your cycle and as late as day 19 of your cycle and on all the days in between. If you have intercourse often during this time, you have an extremely high probability of getting pregnant. Many women using this family planning method find that as they become more familiar with their cycles, they begin to notice fertility signs such as secretions or light cramping which may help them pinpoint ovulation. 

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Friday, October 26, 2018

Top 6 Deadly Effects Of Having Too Much Sex( For Men)

 When you  feel strong and  rearing to go 24 hours  7,your  nerves raging and throbbing, you  seek for cum after  cum, why not most people  believe  experiencing toe-curling  orgasm is the  most  wonderful  feeling  ever.

Play, she is available for you anytime or when  she isn't  giving in you're  not throwing in the  bid  after all you can get  it anywhere.
I agree  but pause  for one  second, think about this..

Did you  know that  too much  of everything is bad? yes everything including  sex!!!

When you keep  having   sex morning, afternoon and night  7 days in a week, you're  sure to knock  down. Research  has proven that  too much  sex has deadly  effect 

There are  negative side to  having  too much  sex

I will  give you  the  6  dangerous  effects from  having too much sex

1 Dehydration
This  means  your  body  loses  so much vital  water  that  could  end up  making you  look pale

2 Urinary  Tract infection.

A lot of water   are lost  when sex happen  frequently,to  avoid having  urinary tract infection take  plenty of water and empty your  bladder  before and after sex.

3 Trouble  Climaxing
 Contrary to the  belief that  staying  long time without  sex for men could  cause  some  health issues, too much sex and ejaculation  wil considerably empty the  semen and  sperm levels

4 Poor  vision

It's scientifically proven that too much  sex which  comes  always with  frequent  ejaculation  can affect the  man's  vision, no matter how pleasing sex feels for you, remember the  semen you  release was produced from your  body  components

 5.Hair loss

The enzyme (a substance produced by the body to help bring about a biochemical reaction) called 5α-reductase synthesises DHT from testosterone in areas like the prostate and hair follicles, as well as the testes and adrenal glands. Essentially DHT is made from testosterone and helps the body grow and regulate itself.
Excessive  sex increases  DHT which  kills  hair  follicles and causes  male  pattern  baldness

6 Heart Attack

While  sex is good for your  heart  because it's a form of exercise that  helps to circulate  blood  flow, research  has shown that  series of climaxing  affects  people who have  heart  problems negatively.

As we try to enjoy  life and the  good things  life  offers us, we should be able to have  control over the things  we do.
Don't  hesitate to reach out for  more   healthy  sex tips.

Stay connected -subscribe  to my blog  newsletter and  have every  post  delivered to your  email inbox, ITS  FREE!! !

Rooting for you 
Yours  sincerely 
Chioma Cynthia 
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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Powerful Tips To Make Your Man Sexually Obsessed With You.

 Powerful  Sexual   techniques to make  your  man feel an intense  desire  to  be around you, desperate to  rip your clothes off and  make  passionate  love to you, along with him feeling  more  deeply  connected to you  than you  ever  thought  possible.

These  tips once you  start  practising them will  make your  man sexually  obsessed with you ,you'd be surprised
 to see him become  more  caring

 To be able to  achieve this  I will  point out THE DANGEROUS  MISTAKES   THAT  DESTROYS  YOUR  SEX LIFE. ,there are  5 outstanding  mistakes.

1 Unresponsiveness-imagine a log of wood  stuck  to a place, it just  lies there, hardly moving.

Some  girls are like  log of wood, they  just  lie in bed during  sex hardly  moving  at all.

Do you have a  log of wood  syndrome? If so it's really important that you get rid of it unless you want to leave your  man bored  and  potentially fantasizing  about  someone else.

Apply  these methods o push up your  tactics
Make body  contact, wrap your arms around his back or shoulders or wrap  your  legs around  his legs.

Get vocal, men like  hearing  feedback  on how  well they  are performing. It boosts  their  ego and  spurs them  on,if you're  completely  silent  during  sex then your  man  will  feel  like  a failure, the  more  vocal you are during  sex  the  more  he'd  believe  he is doing a great  job and  the  more  he will  feel validated
Move  your  body! Learn to  roll your  waist and  raise up to  meet  his thrust, it  increases the ecstatic  waves , lubricates the  vagina  more thereby making  sex more  flexible. 

No 2 Routine Sex Life.
Everybody  gets bored  doing  the  same  thing  over and over again , if you  keep giving  your  man the  same  sex, using  the  same  technique  and position he will  get bored. Boredom  is unforunately  one of the   main  causes of  cheating.

So it's  important  to constantly introduce  new things  into  your  sex life

A Don't  wait for  him to be the  one  always  asking for both of you to have  sex, initiate  sex from  time to time.

B   make  sure you  take your  bath early in the  morning and  last thing at night dress  neatly and wear  dresses  that  could  stir  amourous  thoughts in him.

C learn to walk  and talk  sensually, flirting with  your  man with  words is the  most  seductive  technique, learn to roll your eyes and  body  ,these will  always  leave  series of romantic  thoughts  flying  in his mind

D have sex at different  places and  random   times, at day time, sex shouldn't be scheduled, keep the  kids  safe(if you  have  kids  already)  have unplanned sex .make it spontaneous
E try  new sexual  positions,
techniques and  role-playing, missionary position is good  but there are a lot to  sexual  enjoyment, (I will  explain  more in my  article  on sex position )

3 Use Sex As A Weapon. there are times  when you  don't   feel like  having  sex with your  man or it's not  possible  because  it's that  time of the  month, that  is  absolutely  fine however  if you   try to  manipulate  him using  sex your  relationship  will  start to  fall apart, he will  trust  you  less  and less and eventually  he will  start  to drift  further and further  away,
Instead of using  sex  as a  tool for blackmail  use it as weapon to blind  your  man<<<I explained  this  extensively in my article <<Learn  to hold your  man down with  your  feminine  side>>

Men love  great sex, get your  man stuck in you  by delivering  masterpiece of  skills, my friend  frank said  that  "sex is a meal that  should be  served  hot and  spicy " when you're  able to  successfully  trap your  man in your  body, you will  easily  get what ever you  need as he'd be  only  nodding  affirmatively to your  words.

 No 4 Oral Sex Is A Must, Oral sex  should be  included in your  to-do -list.
The  only thing  worse than  not giving  your man oral sex is giving a terrible  oral  sex,because the  satisfaction isn't  just in the  penetration,different people  have different  errogenius  zone  therefore  you  should  be certain about where  your  man finds  fascinating,you should know  how to touch  him to get him rolling
You  give a man  good  oral by building up anticipation ,slip your  hands  inside his pants and  gently  start  stroking  his penis, don't  hold  it too firmly, start  gently  then increase the  speed  ,

Stroke gently to his balls,the penis is very  sensitive so is the  restocked, massage the   balls gently  run your  fingers  gently  between  the  balls and the underneath  of his penis, kiss   his penis  slowly and lick gently, caress the tip of his penis (the  cap)  with your tongue, roll  your  tongue  all  over  the  breadth  then swallow the  length  bit  by bit flicking through with your  tongue as you  swallow.

Don't  Keep Mute,  make sure you  ask questions  as you  go on, it's important to build up sexual tension  through  heart to heart  conversation as well as ending  it with   heart to heart  discuss in order    to get feedback. Ask him where he wants you to  dwell on and  how he is liking  your  touches, this will  help you to know what to  add or subtract. try to  keep the  conversation on even after  the  climax, help each other to clean up instead of  rushing to the  bathroom to shower  like  you  just  touched a dirty  paper bag. If you  cannot  swallow his semen,tell him ITS  you  want  him to  cum on any  part of your  body, the  breast  preferably  will  always  fascinate a man and  make  him  twitch

I can go on and  on, the  route to  a happy  intimate   moment is unending, stay connected to  get first  hand  news as new blog  post  drops, subscribe to my blog's  newsletter to get  every  article  delivered to your  email.ITS FREE.

Rooting for you
It's yours  sincerely
Chioma cynthia. 
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Get The Healthy Tips To Guide You Through Your Dating &Marriage Stage



"Falling  for you  is not falling  at all, it's walking into a  house and finally realising  I'm  home"

Finding  true love  and keeping it real and  lasing a life time  isn't as hectic as we usually  paint it to be! I'd  say rather "it's  us leaving out what we NEED  to do and  doing WHAT IS NOT NEEDFUL"

And then you're   panicking,searching frantically  for a way out,it all came to you too late  because you  followed the wrong  path.

Are you  over thinking? Over analyzing and blaming  yourself  killing your goddess  vibe and affecting your  dating  life?

Overthinking is a safety response and let’s be honest it’s exhausting and it kills relationship flow.

It's time to  get our  heads  clear and  think  straight, my happiness is that  many  people are seeking to  know the  transparent  way of MEETING AND  MAKING  the  right  choice of WHO OUR   future  partners will be,
It came like a  whirlwind and  envolped  most  youth, dating and  marriage  all of a sudden  became a  gangster  game, the  things that  should. matter were  swept   away  and irrelevant  things that can never be a force in building  and  sustaining a formidable  love  relationship  were  made  important  at the detriment of  lovers. fingers  got burnt and more  fingers will  still  get burnt.

Recently  homes  were broken,relationships  were  shattered and  love were  lost.
It's  just the  beginning of  the  doom  that  many relationships  will  go through unless we retrace our  steps and seek what  should  be.

I was once  bitten. and I became  hundred times  wiser, I got  involved in a relationship I felt  was the  best, I counted on the  emotional  rush that existed between  us, I felt it was enough to  see us through, I idealized love  and believed  the  love we shared was  all we needed to  be the  best  of  couples, the  riches and affluence  couldn't  keep up the  flame at the end  I came out  wounded.

Because there's  more to  love, relationship and  marriage than  having  plenty emotional  feelings, plenty  riches and  plenty  good times, it became pertinent to tell the  young  people how best to  find  lasting  love .

Because I  experienced  a lot that I wouldn't want other young people to ever go through. I decided to  put  my  experience together in a book as well as proffer  solutions..

How do you  date  rightly?fall in love rightly and  make  the  right  choice of a life  partner?

Everything  is inside  my one stop shop  e-book <<<THE CARDINAL  RULES FOR LOVE, SEX AND MARRIAGE 

I don't  believe there's one  possible  soulmate  for anybody, no matter how much we feel in love with  the  people we're  seeing, it does not  mean they are the  right  partner.the deep   connection we have with  them can happen with anyone, they are only  showing us what is possible, we can't  choose them  because the  emotional  feeling  is enormous and the  sex is good. No there are a lot to  meeting, loving and living.

In Cardinal rules for love, sex and marriage  I wrote about

1 How to meet the  right partner

2 How to experience a wonderful  sexlife with the  person you are   choosing

3 How to create  a lasting union

4 How to keep the  spark up in a romantic  love   relationship  till autumn  years

Cardinal rules for love  is a forever relationship guide  that  will  keep you up through out  lifetime.

I am giving it out at a very  cheap  rate so that  many people will  benefit from it.

With as low asN2,000 (Two thousand  Naira ) you  can get a copy of this  very essential  guide,

To build your  home
Create  lasting  sex life
Meet, choose and  live with your  soulmate


Pay into  this  account <<<

Then mail  the  name you  paid with to me <<<>>> or  send it on whatsapp together with your Gmail address to  09072465066>>>>a copy will be sent to you.

Most of  the  public figures  most of us see as our role  models have  broken up with their  partners  ,if you  read the  news  the  causes of these  break ups are always  cases of  cheating and  incompatibity, in order  not to  make  such   mistake,learn the  cardinal  principles to finding  long  lasting  union,

Even if your  marriage  is on the  brink of  collapsing,by applying the  tips listed in this  guide you will be surprised to see how quick things  will  redirect and a new  spark  kicked off.

Avoid  saying  "if I had known" here is your  guide to knowledge,
make good use of it.

Rooting for you.

Chioma cynthia 
I'm a counseling psychologist, a relationship therapist  and a sex coach. 
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