Love Story Today: Relationship
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Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Top Signs Your Current Relationship Won't Last

 No relatiionship is perfect, at least  it's  two  different  individuals  coming together to be partners ,nobody  wants to go into any relationship and walk out of it purposely (at least  not for Real  men and women), so you  get into a  relationship ,trying your  best and putting in your effort to  make it work,
Because it is not a one -person business, you  may not know  what the other  person in the  relationship with you is thinking, But you can tell when a relationship  isn't  going to  last  that long

Here are some of the tell tales, it's just a waste of time.

1,There Are No Future  Plans

It's important to  allocate  space  for the  person you're  in a relationship  with and have  exclusive  talks about your  plans for each other,your  career and  ideal  family setting , the  use of  "Us" instead  of "I" in important discussion  is a heart lifting  sign  they are on it together with you, people who created  space for you in  their future  ,opens  up their  long term plans! Business deals, investments and  life goals, When  none of these is happening in your relationship, it's  one  super sign they have  no space  for you in their future.

 2,You Are Yet To Meet  Their Immediate  Family

If they really  want you  permanently, few weeks into  meeting you, they will  introduce you to their  immediate family and  close /important friends, if they are not sure if they  are really   into you, or they are in for  some  head wash, they'd be  dragging,

A friend  told me how the  guy she  dated dragged  her inside  his bedroom and locked  her inside, when his family  members  visited  impromptuly.she wanted to still stay after that incident, but I told  her that   it's  a deal breaker, she insisted on  giving him another chance because she was  crazily  obsessed with him, at the end  she  had her heart shattered.

3,There Is No Room For Heart To Heart  Conversation.

When  it's  argument  every time, there's  little  space for  discussion, it threatens  the  peace of a relationship, it feels like things will  break up at any  moment, a little  argument  leads to  closing out, shutting down each one of you on the phone, staying  away from each other for  days, then it's not just  isn't going to work, it is toxic as well. Couples argue ,disagree  as well as misunderstand  one another, but when it's becoming threatening, it's a sign  the relationship will pack up in no distance time.

4,Your Personalities  Don't  Seem To  Match .

And you're trying  too hard to  change  each other, nobody  changes  over  night. and the  truth is that people have  different  characteristics, people  have  a life style they are  comfortable with, people  have a life they are  living they  need to  meet  people who  share  similar  values with them, this is "COMPATIBILITY",When It seems you're not  finding the  rhythm, and each one of you is trying to  change  one another to fit  into what   they want them to be, they are forcing  it and  it doesn't work  that way, it's a  true  sign of  incompatibility  and dead end for any relationship.
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Friday, November 30, 2018

When His Kisses Couldn't Warm Up My Cold Heart.

I met a  guy at a conference my organisation  held with  their  affiliate  companies,we got talking , from that first  day we shared a  seat during  accreditation, there was  something about  him that  was  irresistably  attractive, he had this  charisma ,his baritone  voice was  deep and pierced   through my  skin pores, his smile  was  disarming, I knew  I wanted to get  close to  him for  what I  can't  possibly  have a  hold on,

I found myself  flirting with  him, I would say  he had an upper  hand  in the  flirting, he touched me  on any part of my body  and smiled  rather than  apologise  whenever  I look  quizzically  at him,

 Within  2 days we  had told  each other,basically  everything  there is to tell about  us, our  family, our job  and  our  personal lives,his name  was  Precious, he worked with  one of the  companies .a chartered accountant.
 it was  a week long  seminar, we spent  practically  every of the  minutes  together, after a while  we felt  like  there  was huge  sexual tension between us,
Eventually we made out, had series of sex, deep in me I knew it's not going anywhere, the  last two days  saw me faking  orgasm. It was  clear  there was  no deep soul  connection, it was  merely  lust, he had great  body and amazing  personality
the  feeling  had started  wearing  off

The  conference  came to an end, I was  excited to   finally  say goodbye to  him, he  wore  gloomy  look  all through  ,obviously  not wanting us to separate  but I gave  no damn, for. me it was about the  moment. we exchanged contacts, I didn't  bother  calling  him.
He called  a couple of times  but I wasn't  interested in  keeping it intimate.

It seemed like we will end up  losing   even thr  friendship if we didn't  take  caution.

We took some  time  off, we didn't  talk for weeks, even months.

Then  we met again  after  six months.he hardly  got over  me but I moved on even  before the  conference  was  over.

We agreed  to keep it  cordial  instead of  parting ways  completely, he wanted  me but I' was  not ready for  any commitment .

I have  met guys I really  like but had to  move on  because it wasn't  to be,
I got to know that there are people you  like that  you  can't  date,there are people you  love  that you  wont't  marry

There are people you  truly  developed  strong feelings for but it's not right

One should  have the  ability to   choose,there are people who should be  your friend, no matter how  much you  yearn to be so close to them, it will  never  get  to  intimacy  level, because there are  different  stages of  feelings, there are  fondness, there are  lust,there are love,there  are also feelings  we develop out of  loneliness.

Other feelings  are created  by closeness, having  close  contact  with  the  opposite sex sparks  some  hormones  in our  body and the  feelings  always yearn to be satisfied, when it is not, it lingers especially when we keep fuelling it by creating  thoughts on them and building  fantasies

The  best thing to do is ,talk to ourselves, telling us. It's us giving  away our power  sheepishly, then withdrawing from whoever is igniting these  feelings and then soaking ourselves into  activities that  makes  us happy
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Friday, November 23, 2018

Memo To My Ex(Why Did You Claim I Left Because You Were Poor?)

 It's the  most  wicked statement  anyone  has made about  me through  out  my  24 years on earth, more  insensitively  coming from you. 

I didn't  say you  don't have right over your own opinion but  come on Tobi, it is quite unfair  when we try to rob other people of their  essence just in a bid to feel justified.

You and I know the truth, if you  don't want to admit it well I can understand your  grudge  ,but it is important we put the records straight for posterity sake.

Remember I told you that I had  no issues with your  financial status when I  met you and agreed to date you? I knew what I wanted  in the  man I would  choose, getting closer to you and I saw and experienced an embodiment of a whole  man with  blazing  talent and future, even though there was  no much  financial comfort with you  I felt safe! You  offered  me. Masculine  warmth ,I felt  safe in you.

I craved  for more knowledge, I wanted to tap into your  resilience spirit and  follow your  goal-getter  spirit to push  my own vision.

Remember how we met? It was the  spark of intelligence that  brought us together, in that show where you  were the  guest  speaker, we sat close to each other and shared ideas. the event  over you  offered to  drive me home.

I was  the happiest girl on earth  seated  beside you that evening was an awesome  privilege.

We agreed to meet again while in the  car,you looked me straight in the face and  told me you're  privileged to  meet a rarity  like  me.

We met at the  'Gold Gardens'two days later, it was an interesting evening, I was  surprised to find out  you're such a fun loving  man, you're only intelligent,you were humorous, I laughed so hard to your stories. It was a quick  jelling, it wasn't up to two weeks that we met and  we became an item, even  before you  officially  asked me out I was  already playing the  role of a girl friend to you.
[11/23, 14:44] chicrystal90: We spent  practically every day together, I was on holiday

So it was all about us,me and you.

Firstly you said we should start a prayer session, according to you, it's for God to guide us through as your plan is for you to spend forever  together. I accepted. We prayed 3 times in every week.

At this point I asked for exclusivity talk,you didn't ask if I'd really want to be in your life permanently. It was a cool Friday evening, I was already getting ready to go back to school,I think I had just a week more to spend at home, you called me earlier to ask if I'd be free by evening of that Friday so  we'd go out together for dinner, I wasn't engaged on any activity ,I agreed and we agreed for 7pm

It was a memorable night, I wore a simple camisole over a black belly-pants,it was a warm evening best for sandals. the colour fitted well on my chocolate were waiting already by the time I got downstairs, you drove to Gold gardens and we settled in an empty couch and made our order.

Dinner was quick, it was light too,we sip from the classes of wine,you told me your plans for the future,your  business and relationship, it was at that point that you asked me out formerly,

You poured some wine into a glass,took my hands in yours and we made a toast to be together.

I went back to school and life continued, how could you forget how frequently I called? I was in far away England and you were in Lagos Nigeria, the UK has just an hour different with Nigeria and it's always around winter otherwise we ran the sane time zone, the times I'm in the classroom, you're at home, mostly .it was a bit difficult coping, still I was the one doing all the calling ,the call tariff was Hugh on your side so I took it as a duty you whenever we needed to talk,we chat as well to make up.

Let me  remind you that my school timetable was stressful, I was in my 3rd year which was  an exam level, when studies got deep and exams closed up I wasn't capable of handling my school work and keeping a long distance relationship. I kept explaining to you

I was surprised when you failed to understand my plight, you were once a student I expected you would understand and  support me but it wasn't so,you turned to a nagging  soul,you critized everything I did,you accused me of dating other guys insinuated it was  because you  were not rich that's why I

So you forgot that morning you called me another girl's name?I'd called to check on you, your  response was  cold,I tried to cheer you up ,I sang Celine Dion's 'power of love' to make you smile ,it didn't work at all instead you called me another girl's name while trying to tell me to keep quiet.
It happened more  than I could understand, I brought it to your notice but you didn't  give any explanations.

You weren't rich but you lived comfortablyI didn't complain for one day,I promised to stand by you and work hard too so we can build a good home,I still don't understand where you got that view of me neglecting you because we  came  from families of different  financial always talked about my father's over pampering  me and how it will affect  my choice of a partner, you didn't let  me make the mistake myself instead you concluded and turned your back on me without a word.

I was writing my final exams,it took all my time and attention, I  sent messages and called at my spare time,I couldn't wait to  get exams over and done with so I can rush home and be with you.
I missed our interesting company, our conversations and pillow fight. I craved for your company like never before.

I would be an understatement to say I was shocked getting back to Nigeria and meeting an aggressive you, there was no welcome, you acted like  I was a Long time for looking to reconcile with you. I felt maybe it was because we've been through some trying time not been together.

It continued but I held on trying to  ignite the fire back,it was so dull and boring those days I  would come around your house and you'd leave me  all alone to hold meetings upon meetings.

You finally broke the ice ,you told me that you've moved on because you didn't think things will work bêtween us.

Check your messages I'm sure you'd see a message or two from me to you pleading that we give us a chance, I waited but you didn't turn back.

How did all these mean me pushing you away because you didn't have so much money at that time?
I know you will read this, please I would want you to tell your own side of the  story so that people will read and give their thoughts, if I'm to be blamed.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

5 Things You May Do That Will MakeYour Girlfriend Mad At You.

Talking About Other Girls

 The only thing you will get doing this is a headache and  blue balls,
Take  your girls emotional health into consideration, she will definitely feel you're not loyal ,maybe you're having secret admiration on the girl you talk about, she will feel she's not enough for you.

*Respect her emotions by showering her with all the compliments,don't dwell on talks about some other girl

Taking Time To Text Back

No woman wants to be ignored, she knows you have your phone in your hand almost all day so she expects you to text back as soon as possible.

*You may be busy with stuff,try to take  out little time to check your phone and reply her text after all she is also an important part of your life.

Lack Of Interest

 Men don't always understand girls logic, the interest is all encompassing.. Tell her words of  endearment, make her feel important and exclusive.

Your girl is out here trying to love you, she wants to be the centre of your life, she wants to be  involved in everything about you, Carry her along,involve her in the important decisions  you make,it will guarantee her safety with you.

Spending More Time With The Guys

Prioritize your time,she understands you will hang out with the guys but she expects you to also give spending times with her a whole thought.
Girls always want attention give it to her

Devoting Times To Other Girl's Online Activities.

She already started stalking and tagging her  the "other girl" she will feel disrespected when you use other girls  pictures on your dp,like their  posts.

You will not avoid following other girls on social media, it's  girls  problem,just be mild so you don't provoke jealousy in your girl.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Why Can't Ivy Understand That I Don't Love Her?

I told  my  boss that the  MTB girl has been disturbing  asking to see me, she  said why not if I can, so that evening I decided to  take her  call and we agreed to meet up that evening.

I met her at the  bus stop close to  my office and she  drove us to her  house, which was  where we agreed for the 'private  meeting ',we got into  her apartment,  it was a  nicely  made  mini  duplex sparesly  furnished ,the  beautiful   milk  coloured curtains fitted well  with the couch, I took in the  whole  apartment in a  second .

She took me to a seat and excused  herself so she can tidy up,munites later  she  came out with two  glasses of wine and offered me one, I took  it and we  made a toast to great  partnership.

We talked about everything,work,family,circle of friends, state of the country etc, we drank our  wine and  munched  the  fried chicken she  brought ,I waited for her to say something  about  business  deal or proposal  but  nothing of such  came up throughout our conversation.

It was a little over  11 pm when I  stood up to go but she refused, she  said the  estate she  lived  has a  common gateway  that  get  locked  by 11pm that it'd be a bit risky going out  very  late and pleaded with me to spend the night. It was a Friday and there's no work  the next day,  so why not? I told myself to relax and enjoy the  new environment and company I had.

Each one of us was exhausted, after the days work and long talk plus the terrible traffic we encountered on the road to her  house, it didn't  take  longer time for us to sleep off.

I turned around and it was wee hours of the  morning, the  bedside  clock  showed  it was 4.15 am, the  room felt  cool, the  air-condition  was on, I looked at the figure lieing  beside me, she  looked  peaceful in her  sleeping  mood! I smiled and  pulled the  bed sheets  over  my  body,I placed  my head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling not sure if I would be able to sleep again.

I felt  her movement as she  crawled  closer to  me, her breathe was heavy and fast, she  drew  closer and wrapped  her hands over  my shoulder, her slender and  velvet  body  clinged on me, I felt  my  manhood  lept, the  softness of her skin  sent  waves of emotions  surge through my veins.

I held  myself  not wanting to be too  forward and not wanting to  be a coward either.
She pressed  her  body  tightly on me,her soft  breast  brushed on  my body and multiplied my uneasiness, she  pushed  her mouth to mine and forced  her tongue into  my  mouth and began to kiss me hungrily,by now  my penis  has grown bigger .

I turned over and  held her, her body was soft to the touch, I kissed her. On the  cheek  then on her lips, I kissed her all over her  neck, soft  moans escaped  her .

This was  someone I knew  nothing about her  personal life ,we had great  office relationship, being the accountant in the  bank  my  company  banked with , she  was diligent and has great  respect and   excellent work experience

Our  lips  locked together in a very  passionate kiss, we rushed  our  body, touched the  right  places ,our body  locked together I deep emotions ,we  made sweet  passionate love, we climaxed again and again, spent we rested our  body in each others embrace.

I woke up at about   noon,had bath and ate the  Jollof rice she  prepared for lunch,
 I left to my house after  few hugs and nice words.

life returned to  normal for me, I buried  myself into  my work and had  little time for leisure, but it was not the same for her,I don't know if it was the sex that  sparked up things on her  side, her calls  tripled, she wanted to talk to me every  minute,she wanted to   see me every day and  made  efforts to  get  me over to her house   but I  refused to  let that happen.

I don't  feel anything for her, nothing  strong or even  something that  can make  me want to be with  her, I noticed  her legs  shake  while we made  love  ,she was extremely  excited, I am not into  her, It was just a  mere  pleasurable moment we shared  but  she is finding it hard to accept it.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Because It Was Too Close For Comfort

"I understand when you don't remember to return my call or reply to my  messages. I truly understand"...tears  brimmed down my face, I had my phone in my hand, I watched the  message  delivered to  Steve's  whatsapp inbox, I waited eagerly to get his reply, it all seemed  strange to me, just few  months ago Steve  was the  person waiting to see me reply to his messages  or return his calls.
I wasn't  heartless  nor insensitive  I was  only  being  careful, it  seemed odd to me  hooking up with a  guy I've  had some  closeness with  his friend, Ray my  former date was  Steve's  school  mate and  close friend,I met  Ray during my 6 months  industrial attachment at a food  manufacturing  company .

Ray was  transferred to another  branch  a month after  my  arrival at the company  before then we had this  spark of attraction between us, Ray had this  charisma that  made it so easy to  notice him and  get attached to him, he was friendly and free, we already  picked up  constant  private chats so when  he left to his new  office  we continued, the build up was  interesting, it looked real and fulfilling, it made me anticipate  my next conversation with him.

Deep down inside of me I craved for something  stable, I was  22 and  single, I've not been in any  serious relationship in recent time ,almost done with studies I looked  forward to creating a whole new  steady relationship that could make out something tangible in the end.

Ray was everything I dreamt of having  my  man look like, handsome, charismatic with a good job, he was  caring if I'd  judge from the little time I've  spent with him.

So a little far away from me, i related with Ray through the internet, chats, calls etc,
We became so close, it felt good,  I was already  painting a picture of how our relationship will  look like.

Ray told me he was  pursuing a course on management that if it works out he'd  have to  leave the food company and focus on the course. In the time I was with Ray it was difficult for me to say exactly what I  meant to him, he was here and there, he didn't  make it obvious but  I knew he was seeing other girls, every now and then he used different girls  pictures on his profile, when I ask he'd tell him they were his cousins or childhood friends celebrating their  birthdays or that he just saw  a cute pics of theirs and decided to  make them feel good,
I  took his explanations  bitterly, I noticed  Ray likes sex a lot,he wants me to visit him every time and  these  visits were  all about sex, Ray can go on having sex with  me for a whole day, when I try to  make him understand how improper it was, he'd  always get angry and  he'd  become  moody and  would  end  up  not talking to me for  days.

It made me sad and  lonely spending days without him, I would  always go back to him and apologise, we would  make up and he'd start all over again. I was a slave to  his passion.
I had two months  more to stay in the company when  Ray resigned, he got his admission to study further, the  university was in another city so he  moved away, this time it means we can only see  sparingly. I was  broken, I missed  Ray a lot and  feared for our fragile  relationship. Because I couldn't  trust  Ray to be careful not to  harm what we  were building  I had to resign to fate.

It came too soon,Before Ray left yo his new school he told me that his phone was bad ,he said he would work on it or get a new one.two weeks after Ray packed out it became almost impossible for me to get through to him ,it's either his phone was switched off  or he's not picking,it was hard for me to cope,I was used to talking to him almost on daily basis. the times he'd pick he'd tell me that he's busy with one thing or the other and he'd promise to call me. I'd wait for days on end.

I became miserable, there's nobody to talk yo because we kept our relationship private. It was terrible time for me.Ray was busy posting photos of him and other girls and sometimes guys but he'd tell me that his phone was bad.

Before I  could realize it one harrowing month has gone and my relationship with Ray  was blank with no direction, I spent most nights crying on my phone, I'd hold my phone after calling and texting Ray and cry,I pleaded with him to please remember how we started and the times we shared, I waited endlessly to see a change but the more I tried the more Ray drift away.

One evening I was sick and I feit empty. I needed to talk to a loved one. I called Ray to tell him how I was feeling, he picked up and started screaming at me, he said a lot of things but the only thing I wanted to remember was him telling me that "I was a pin,that I don't let him rest",he said it's not everyday we would talk"

I dropped my phone beside me and cried ,I didn't know where I wronged Ray,it was frightening realizing how deep I allowed myself sink into his emotions, I became a wreck.
For weeks I cried ,I couldn't  do anything  my thoughts and acts were  scattered, I hurt knowing  Ray  deliberated  shut me out, I wondered  endlessly if at all he truly  loved me? It was difficult to get him out of my mind
I was out to pick up stuff that evening when I ran into Steve, I've seen him twice after Ray's departure, he's Ray's school mate and both of them had a decent relationship. Steve pulled over and offered me a ride to wherever, I accepted majorly because I wanted to talk to him about Ray,expectedly he asked about us and I opened up to him,I told him everything that my relationship with Ray had become. Steve told me he wasn't surprised, he knew Ray so well,he told me he knew he's merely wasting time with me but he felt I'd find out myself ,he said it was not his duty to tell me as that would portray him as a spoiler,I was  shocked hearing  Steve's  thought  but it  wasn't  his fault, he was been his friend's  keeper .

Steve became a regular in my  house, his visits  were  soul-lifting,he talked to me on the  telephone whenever  he couldn't  come over, gradually  I started  feeling better, I found  myself  smiling and  looking forward to  going out  with  Steve to shop or just  people watch.

One evening  after we'd  gone out to the  park ,Steve  pulled me  back to himself and  kissed me  passionately ,he'd  opened the door of the  car for me, I'd  stepped out  and  already  started to  walk into  the  verandah when he walked up to me, I closed my eyes in mixed  feelings, the  kisd was  warming and I liked it but it was  odd  coming from  Steve.

I wouldn't say that I wasn't expecting that to happen anytime soon but I didn't want it, I was afraid it  may cause  strains in our  cordial relationship  because I have  Ray somewhere at the corner of my  heart and  Steve  was his friend!!

Recently  our  hanging out took a new dimension with  Steve  always going  privately in our discussions, often when I was alone  my  mind  drifted to him, waves of emotions  ran through  my nerves and veins  but I shut it down as quickly as I could, I can't  date  Steve  no it was too close for comfort.

But Steve  disagreed "I'm not  Ray's  relative ,we weren't  great friends back in school, we just clicked  because  we found ourselves in a  strange  land "Steve explained  but I wouldn't  have any of it.

Steve  pleaded and  did everything to make me understand his feeling was genuine but I remained  adamant

It's almost one year ago ,I didn't know where Steve is nor know anything about him, I see him online on social media platforms ,he'd not  message me nor like  any of my  posts, I don't message him either, Something started happening to me, I started  missing  Steve and longing to be with him, I felt bad for  rejecting him previously, now that I want him I'm  confused about how to go about  getting him to look my way.
I messaged him 'hello'he replied within seconds  and  I was  happy.,we had a light chat ,the  next day I chatted him up again  he'd always reply  then I called  him, he picked up ,we talked a little and he told me he wanted to go back to work and  promised to call again .

I am still waiting for his call, all of a sudden I'm  feeling emotional and  acting like Steve is being  wicked but I had my  chance!! Steve may be trying to be polite but it's obvious  he's gone from me ,what he'd felt for me  has obviously wilt ,he is definitely  with another girl, I felt tears  run down  my cheeks, I want to have  Steve  back  ,if only he would  I promise to love him to the  moon and back
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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Powerful Tips To Make Your Man Sexually Obsessed With You.

 Powerful  Sexual   techniques to make  your  man feel an intense  desire  to  be around you, desperate to  rip your clothes off and  make  passionate  love to you, along with him feeling  more  deeply  connected to you  than you  ever  thought  possible.

These  tips once you  start  practising them will  make your  man sexually  obsessed with you ,you'd be surprised
 to see him become  more  caring

 To be able to  achieve this  I will  point out THE DANGEROUS  MISTAKES   THAT  DESTROYS  YOUR  SEX LIFE. ,there are  5 outstanding  mistakes.

1 Unresponsiveness-imagine a log of wood  stuck  to a place, it just  lies there, hardly moving.

Some  girls are like  log of wood, they  just  lie in bed during  sex hardly  moving  at all.

Do you have a  log of wood  syndrome? If so it's really important that you get rid of it unless you want to leave your  man bored  and  potentially fantasizing  about  someone else.

Apply  these methods o push up your  tactics
Make body  contact, wrap your arms around his back or shoulders or wrap  your  legs around  his legs.

Get vocal, men like  hearing  feedback  on how  well they  are performing. It boosts  their  ego and  spurs them  on,if you're  completely  silent  during  sex then your  man  will  feel  like  a failure, the  more  vocal you are during  sex  the  more  he'd  believe  he is doing a great  job and  the  more  he will  feel validated
Move  your  body! Learn to  roll your  waist and  raise up to  meet  his thrust, it  increases the ecstatic  waves , lubricates the  vagina  more thereby making  sex more  flexible. 

No 2 Routine Sex Life.
Everybody  gets bored  doing  the  same  thing  over and over again , if you  keep giving  your  man the  same  sex, using  the  same  technique  and position he will  get bored. Boredom  is unforunately  one of the   main  causes of  cheating.

So it's  important  to constantly introduce  new things  into  your  sex life

A Don't  wait for  him to be the  one  always  asking for both of you to have  sex, initiate  sex from  time to time.

B   make  sure you  take your  bath early in the  morning and  last thing at night dress  neatly and wear  dresses  that  could  stir  amourous  thoughts in him.

C learn to walk  and talk  sensually, flirting with  your  man with  words is the  most  seductive  technique, learn to roll your eyes and  body  ,these will  always  leave  series of romantic  thoughts  flying  in his mind

D have sex at different  places and  random   times, at day time, sex shouldn't be scheduled, keep the  kids  safe(if you  have  kids  already)  have unplanned sex .make it spontaneous
E try  new sexual  positions,
techniques and  role-playing, missionary position is good  but there are a lot to  sexual  enjoyment, (I will  explain  more in my  article  on sex position )

3 Use Sex As A Weapon. there are times  when you  don't   feel like  having  sex with your  man or it's not  possible  because  it's that  time of the  month, that  is  absolutely  fine however  if you   try to  manipulate  him using  sex your  relationship  will  start to  fall apart, he will  trust  you  less  and less and eventually  he will  start  to drift  further and further  away,
Instead of using  sex  as a  tool for blackmail  use it as weapon to blind  your  man<<<I explained  this  extensively in my article <<Learn  to hold your  man down with  your  feminine  side>>

Men love  great sex, get your  man stuck in you  by delivering  masterpiece of  skills, my friend  frank said  that  "sex is a meal that  should be  served  hot and  spicy " when you're  able to  successfully  trap your  man in your  body, you will  easily  get what ever you  need as he'd be  only  nodding  affirmatively to your  words.

 No 4 Oral Sex Is A Must, Oral sex  should be  included in your  to-do -list.
The  only thing  worse than  not giving  your man oral sex is giving a terrible  oral  sex,because the  satisfaction isn't  just in the  penetration,different people  have different  errogenius  zone  therefore  you  should  be certain about where  your  man finds  fascinating,you should know  how to touch  him to get him rolling
You  give a man  good  oral by building up anticipation ,slip your  hands  inside his pants and  gently  start  stroking  his penis, don't  hold  it too firmly, start  gently  then increase the  speed  ,

Stroke gently to his balls,the penis is very  sensitive so is the  restocked, massage the   balls gently  run your  fingers  gently  between  the  balls and the underneath  of his penis, kiss   his penis  slowly and lick gently, caress the tip of his penis (the  cap)  with your tongue, roll  your  tongue  all  over  the  breadth  then swallow the  length  bit  by bit flicking through with your  tongue as you  swallow.

Don't  Keep Mute,  make sure you  ask questions  as you  go on, it's important to build up sexual tension  through  heart to heart  conversation as well as ending  it with   heart to heart  discuss in order    to get feedback. Ask him where he wants you to  dwell on and  how he is liking  your  touches, this will  help you to know what to  add or subtract. try to  keep the  conversation on even after  the  climax, help each other to clean up instead of  rushing to the  bathroom to shower  like  you  just  touched a dirty  paper bag. If you  cannot  swallow his semen,tell him ITS  you  want  him to  cum on any  part of your  body, the  breast  preferably  will  always  fascinate a man and  make  him  twitch

I can go on and  on, the  route to  a happy  intimate   moment is unending, stay connected to  get first  hand  news as new blog  post  drops, subscribe to my blog's  newsletter to get  every  article  delivered to your  email.ITS FREE.

Rooting for you
It's yours  sincerely
Chioma cynthia. 
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Signs You're In A Toxic Relationship And How To Get Out Of A Toxic Relationship..

Girl in a toxic relationship.

 ( 1)The effort is often one sided and you feel like you're always putting more into the relationship than they are doing

 ( 2)Your partner tried to cut you off from your close friends and family

 (3)Trust issues leading to unending ending suspicions

 (4)You're left crying most of the time

(5) Important dates are often forgotten

(6)You're being criticized over the silliest things

(7)Even though you all are in a relationship,you still feel lonely with them

Possible Red Flags,Staying And Hoping For  A Change Usually Is  Short changing 

Sometimes  we choose  impossible  individuals so that  we can validate  just  how  lovable we are, we believe  that  if we can make  them  fall in love  with us then we know that  we're  as desirable  as our intuition  tells us

You're  right -you are as desirable  and  lovable as you  sense that you are,
You  don't  need a broken  individual  to just  show that you're in a relationship. I always  tell people around me that  my mental health is my mostpriority  ,I will  rather  lose anyone  than lose  my peace.

I tried to get my ex to love me for many years.  I believed that everything in my life would finally work out if I could only help him do what I know he wanted to do, what he claimed he felt at one point - that was to love me.  I could see that I was making a difference in his life - small improvements, tiny indicators that my love was what he needed to love me in return.
The feminine energy of a conscious woman is highly intoxicating to men.  A man in relationship with you will prove this by what he does and says, but the question is - is he giving you an equal share in return, or is he being fed by your energy and avoiding the real work because he’s as full as he desires to be from you, but giving scraps in return?this also apply to a man in a love relationship with a woman, are you getting enough or you're just the only one giving?
So many of my clients have ocome to me attached to men who don’t have the ability to give the kind of love they deserve.  Some are in relationships with married men.  Some are in relationships with men who insist on an open relationship to help their partner demonstrate how consciously she has overcome jealousy.  Most women have had or are in relationships with men who claim they are committed to growth, but their actions demonstrate the fact that they’re stuck.

There is no woman magical enough to change or unstick a man.  The reason we try to save or change a man is to avoid the introspection and work we actually need to do on ourselves.  When we become the most magnificent version of ourselves we don’t settle for men with ‘potential,’ we know our worth and are committed to the ideal of a magnificent man with just as much to give.
I’m such a pleaser at my core, but through experience and growth I’ve learned to have high standards, maintain my boundaries, say “No” to what doesn’t serve my greatest good and the result has been that I have the kind of relationship with my partner, my family and even my ex where I am treated with the dignity that I deserve.
The reason we hold on to hope, give up our ideals and lower our expectations is the wounds from our past.  We all deserve love and dignity and until we experience it and are held to the high standards we should have for ourselves it’s easy to slip back and allow loneliness, self-doubt or fear to cloud our judgement.  Making a permanent change and adopting a commitment to high standards requires support of our own.
Maybe now is the time to develop a deeper relationship with that family member or friend whose choices and relationships you respect and admire.  Maybe there’s a mentor that you had at one point in life that it’s time to reconnect to.  Maybe you can find the strength to finally keep the standards that you committed to at one point because you realize what you’re modelling to your children is not the choices that will serve their greatest good.
We’re not designed to do it alone.  Everyone needs someone who sees the greatness in them, who holds space to work through the pain and regret of their past and is willing to be honest about the things in life that need to change to create magnificent relationships.  Instead of making a man your priority, why not make yourself your priority?
Every day I get to observe how this type of commitment radically changes the lives of the clients I work with.  Whether it’s letting go of decades of emotional baggage, recreating the relationships with family and children, or raising their standards and manifesting the relationship they desire.  I never get used to seeing how dramatically lives change in such a short amount of time.
If you’d like personal support in your journey or you’d like information about being part of a private group of  men and women who are committed to supporting each other in creating a life of high standard, send me a message on email chicrystal90@gmail,com
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Get The Healthy Tips To Guide You Through Your Dating &Marriage Stage



"Falling  for you  is not falling  at all, it's walking into a  house and finally realising  I'm  home"

Finding  true love  and keeping it real and  lasing a life time  isn't as hectic as we usually  paint it to be! I'd  say rather "it's  us leaving out what we NEED  to do and  doing WHAT IS NOT NEEDFUL"

And then you're   panicking,searching frantically  for a way out,it all came to you too late  because you  followed the wrong  path.

Are you  over thinking? Over analyzing and blaming  yourself  killing your goddess  vibe and affecting your  dating  life?

Overthinking is a safety response and let’s be honest it’s exhausting and it kills relationship flow.

It's time to  get our  heads  clear and  think  straight, my happiness is that  many  people are seeking to  know the  transparent  way of MEETING AND  MAKING  the  right  choice of WHO OUR   future  partners will be,
It came like a  whirlwind and  envolped  most  youth, dating and  marriage  all of a sudden  became a  gangster  game, the  things that  should. matter were  swept   away  and irrelevant  things that can never be a force in building  and  sustaining a formidable  love  relationship  were  made  important  at the detriment of  lovers. fingers  got burnt and more  fingers will  still  get burnt.

Recently  homes  were broken,relationships  were  shattered and  love were  lost.
It's  just the  beginning of  the  doom  that  many relationships  will  go through unless we retrace our  steps and seek what  should  be.

I was once  bitten. and I became  hundred times  wiser, I got  involved in a relationship I felt  was the  best, I counted on the  emotional  rush that existed between  us, I felt it was enough to  see us through, I idealized love  and believed  the  love we shared was  all we needed to  be the  best  of  couples, the  riches and affluence  couldn't  keep up the  flame at the end  I came out  wounded.

Because there's  more to  love, relationship and  marriage than  having  plenty emotional  feelings, plenty  riches and  plenty  good times, it became pertinent to tell the  young  people how best to  find  lasting  love .

Because I  experienced  a lot that I wouldn't want other young people to ever go through. I decided to  put  my  experience together in a book as well as proffer  solutions..

How do you  date  rightly?fall in love rightly and  make  the  right  choice of a life  partner?

Everything  is inside  my one stop shop  e-book <<<THE CARDINAL  RULES FOR LOVE, SEX AND MARRIAGE 

I don't  believe there's one  possible  soulmate  for anybody, no matter how much we feel in love with  the  people we're  seeing, it does not  mean they are the  right  partner.the deep   connection we have with  them can happen with anyone, they are only  showing us what is possible, we can't  choose them  because the  emotional  feeling  is enormous and the  sex is good. No there are a lot to  meeting, loving and living.

In Cardinal rules for love, sex and marriage  I wrote about

1 How to meet the  right partner

2 How to experience a wonderful  sexlife with the  person you are   choosing

3 How to create  a lasting union

4 How to keep the  spark up in a romantic  love   relationship  till autumn  years

Cardinal rules for love  is a forever relationship guide  that  will  keep you up through out  lifetime.

I am giving it out at a very  cheap  rate so that  many people will  benefit from it.

With as low asN2,000 (Two thousand  Naira ) you  can get a copy of this  very essential  guide,

To build your  home
Create  lasting  sex life
Meet, choose and  live with your  soulmate


Pay into  this  account <<<

Then mail  the  name you  paid with to me <<<>>> or  send it on whatsapp together with your Gmail address to  09072465066>>>>a copy will be sent to you.

Most of  the  public figures  most of us see as our role  models have  broken up with their  partners  ,if you  read the  news  the  causes of these  break ups are always  cases of  cheating and  incompatibity, in order  not to  make  such   mistake,learn the  cardinal  principles to finding  long  lasting  union,

Even if your  marriage  is on the  brink of  collapsing,by applying the  tips listed in this  guide you will be surprised to see how quick things  will  redirect and a new  spark  kicked off.

Avoid  saying  "if I had known" here is your  guide to knowledge,
make good use of it.

Rooting for you.

Chioma cynthia 
I'm a counseling psychologist, a relationship therapist  and a sex coach. 
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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Infatuation (A Crush Texting My Man Through Me) Part 1

Bent over a pile of books
I raised my head to see the Duke
With the rim of his spectacles shinning
Countenance calm, a smile emerged, then laughter followed
His bass fluttering
That voice... It was the voice!
There was something his about voice that made my heart beat faster
His smile had a way of making me giddy and satisfied all at once.
What if I told him he makes me giddy?
What if I said he makes my heart beat faster?
What if...?

He would tell me stories of the past
 Kiss my forehead when it's midnight's past
Try to sing Timaya's bang
Call my name when in pains pang
Ask me if I'm hungry a thousand times
Tell me the truth without no lies
Twenty and one years apart
Said my other part
He'll never have you in his heart.

Snap! I shrugged to reality
As he pulled out a script of age
Look! He said, flipping through "I am going to show this to my children "
Then, I realized
I was his child
Nothing more.

(photo credit
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