Love Story Today: LIFE&STYLE
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Showing posts with label LIFE&STYLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIFE&STYLE. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Why Can't Ivy Understand That I Don't Love Her?

I told  my  boss that the  MTB girl has been disturbing  asking to see me, she  said why not if I can, so that evening I decided to  take her  call and we agreed to meet up that evening.

I met her at the  bus stop close to  my office and she  drove us to her  house, which was  where we agreed for the 'private  meeting ',we got into  her apartment,  it was a  nicely  made  mini  duplex sparesly  furnished ,the  beautiful   milk  coloured curtains fitted well  with the couch, I took in the  whole  apartment in a  second .

She took me to a seat and excused  herself so she can tidy up,munites later  she  came out with two  glasses of wine and offered me one, I took  it and we  made a toast to great  partnership.

We talked about everything,work,family,circle of friends, state of the country etc, we drank our  wine and  munched  the  fried chicken she  brought ,I waited for her to say something  about  business  deal or proposal  but  nothing of such  came up throughout our conversation.

It was a little over  11 pm when I  stood up to go but she refused, she  said the  estate she  lived  has a  common gateway  that  get  locked  by 11pm that it'd be a bit risky going out  very  late and pleaded with me to spend the night. It was a Friday and there's no work  the next day,  so why not? I told myself to relax and enjoy the  new environment and company I had.

Each one of us was exhausted, after the days work and long talk plus the terrible traffic we encountered on the road to her  house, it didn't  take  longer time for us to sleep off.

I turned around and it was wee hours of the  morning, the  bedside  clock  showed  it was 4.15 am, the  room felt  cool, the  air-condition  was on, I looked at the figure lieing  beside me, she  looked  peaceful in her  sleeping  mood! I smiled and  pulled the  bed sheets  over  my  body,I placed  my head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling not sure if I would be able to sleep again.

I felt  her movement as she  crawled  closer to  me, her breathe was heavy and fast, she  drew  closer and wrapped  her hands over  my shoulder, her slender and  velvet  body  clinged on me, I felt  my  manhood  lept, the  softness of her skin  sent  waves of emotions  surge through my veins.

I held  myself  not wanting to be too  forward and not wanting to  be a coward either.
She pressed  her  body  tightly on me,her soft  breast  brushed on  my body and multiplied my uneasiness, she  pushed  her mouth to mine and forced  her tongue into  my  mouth and began to kiss me hungrily,by now  my penis  has grown bigger .

I turned over and  held her, her body was soft to the touch, I kissed her. On the  cheek  then on her lips, I kissed her all over her  neck, soft  moans escaped  her .

This was  someone I knew  nothing about her  personal life ,we had great  office relationship, being the accountant in the  bank  my  company  banked with , she  was diligent and has great  respect and   excellent work experience

Our  lips  locked together in a very  passionate kiss, we rushed  our  body, touched the  right  places ,our body  locked together I deep emotions ,we  made sweet  passionate love, we climaxed again and again, spent we rested our  body in each others embrace.

I woke up at about   noon,had bath and ate the  Jollof rice she  prepared for lunch,
 I left to my house after  few hugs and nice words.

life returned to  normal for me, I buried  myself into  my work and had  little time for leisure, but it was not the same for her,I don't know if it was the sex that  sparked up things on her  side, her calls  tripled, she wanted to talk to me every  minute,she wanted to   see me every day and  made  efforts to  get  me over to her house   but I  refused to  let that happen.

I don't  feel anything for her, nothing  strong or even  something that  can make  me want to be with  her, I noticed  her legs  shake  while we made  love  ,she was extremely  excited, I am not into  her, It was just a  mere  pleasurable moment we shared  but  she is finding it hard to accept it.

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Monday, October 22, 2018

University Undergraduate Died From Sexual Ecstasy

If Lydia  had the  power of seeing the  future  or even had the  opportunity of   meeting a soothsayer  she might  have seen or might  have  been lucky  to  receive a  warning message about the  tragic end  to what she may have  tagged a harmless  hangout ..

She left  her parents  house  that  fateful  Saturday  evening to meet up with  her man friend   whom she dated secretly  , Lydia  was a   21 years  old  300 levels sociology  student  in a Nigerian  university.
Her affairs with  the  53years old  man who was a  member of the  national  Assembly  went on  without  her parents  knowledge

It was a fun party  organised by a close friend of  the  honourable  and  every one  attended with  their  girlfriends  who were  mostly  undergraduates  from  different  universities  In Nigeria. Lydia  sneaked out of her house  but later  called  her mum to tell  her she  was spending the night at her best friend's  house

Party  went on into the  deep night, guests  started  withdrawing into their  different  suites  to rest and  catch  some  feelings with  their  partner's.

It wasn't the  first time the  honourable  will  get  intimate with their relationship  had been on for some time,

They  went on the  first round, everything went well and the  second, it was in the  middle of the 2nd round that the  honourable  noticed  Lydia  was  slipping away, instead of  her arousal response to  his jerks,she  slipped and  woobled stretching  her  body and  trying to  get a hold on the  bedspread  maybe to support  herself, the  honourable  immediately  removed  his manhood which at that   time had become  placid, he reached out and  held her, it was then he noticed  her eyes were  closing and saliva  was dripping from the sides of  her mouth,

He quickly  called the  hotel's  clinic  for help, the  clinic  attendants responded  quickly and  rushed  Lydia to the  clinic. A doctor  checked her pulse and  it  has gone  weak and her heartbeat   was faint, treatment  was administered ,the  doctor  confirmed she slipped into  unconsciousness

She didn't  recover,about 10 am the  next day  Lydia  gave up the  ghost to the  shock of every one who was present at the  clinic with them and  those who partied with them the other  night

the  doctor said she  suffered  intense  shock and  still recommended an autopsy .
It was tragic for the honourable  ,he cried like a  baby, filled with confusion about how  best to go about the  tragic incident, his friends and  few family members who  he confided in advised  him to reach out to the  mother of the girl firstly,

The  honourable  found a way and connected to tm Lydia's  maternal uncle. and told  him what  happened, it was miserable time for Lydia's  family, her uncle  invited  his sister (Lydia's  mum)  over to spend few days with  him with the  pretence that  he's not feeling well and  needed  her to  help him out  with  cooking and other  chores.

Two  days into  Lydia's  mom stay in  her brother's house, the  news about  Lydia's  death was  broken to her.

To say she was shattered was  an understatement, Lydia's  mom almost  passed away with  her daughter, she  collapsed on  hearing the  news.

After  Lydia's  mom recovered  ,she  and  her ramily  members went back to  her husband's  house and  broke the news to Lydia's  father.

The  autopsy report stated Lydia  died from excessive  ecstatic  feeling, the  ecstasy  came in loads and rushed too much  blood  to her heart  at once, because she was  in  motion, her veins and arteries  tightened up, these  didn't  allow  air to flow  freely  and Lydia  got shocked.

Her body was  taken home for burial while  her father  arrested the  honourable, he was  bailed after few days and the  case has been taken to court.
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