From my teen years I've held this view that every woman deserve love and care irrespective of her flaws,she isn't a woman for Mockery nor was she created to be treated less.
I had a Long conversation in a transit four days ago with a group of strangers ,very intelligent young men and women with vast knowledge about life that I found amazing,it was so interesting that all of us wanted a second meeting so we could round off our debate kind of conversation.
The conversation sparked off from a telephone conversation from one of the occupants of the transit, a young woman of about 24 years,she told us she works in a hospitality company as a consultant.
I noticed she was not comfortable picking up the call that kept coming into her phone, each time her phone rang she'd quickly put it off,after a while she'd put it on again, it was none of my business so I kept quiet,the guy seated close to you suddenly started laughing then said loudly “why not take your call and tell him you're not interested?”, the girl obviously irritated by his words hissed and asked the guy if it's his business?, the guy kept laughing and it stired an argument between them,before I know what's up a guy joined in the argument then another guy joined then a young woman joined and another and another.
I listened attentively and understood the basis of their argument,because I'm the type that always want to be clear on whatever I'd get into ,I raised my voice and asked what the argument was about?
She said that she doesn't see the need for a girl to keep a boyfriend,It will be better if they meet and get married”
It generated so much fuss,she kept saying she had her reasons,being a creep,I collected her number and opened up a conversation with her on WhatsApp,after 24 hours she opened up to me.
Her name was Jane ,she told me her story….
“I met this guy at my place of work about four months ago, his name was Collins, he was very polite and friendly ,I gave him a warm reception,made sure he had everything he requested for on time,he booked for 30 days according to him ,his company had plans to bring their services to the city ,he was sent to survey the city, he spent times at the lounge in the evening, I spend my evenings at the lounge before retiring to my bedroom, most of the time I'd sit out at the lounge, he'd be there, he'd always come closer to where I sit to ask one question or the other then we'd get into a Long conversation.
It didn't take too Long and we warmed up to each other, I started looking forward to our evening sit out, It was embarrassing for me when It started feeling like my evening wasn't complete without him,I found myself missing him and longuing for His company, I tried so hard to not betray myself giving out my emotions, Collins was caring to a large extent, he's always looking out for me.he made provisions for my feeding and other luxury for the 30 days duration his stay lasted,it helped me save some money.
One evening while sitting out with Collins, he told me that he'd be traveling to Germany in few days,the news hit me hard,my mood dropped because I wasn't expecting it ,it was almost impossible for me to not betray my emotions, I was cold all of a sudden, Collins noticed and drew closer ,he held me and asked me severally what went wrong all of a sudden?, but I wouldn't talk,he asked if it's my job and I said no,he asked if it was him?,I kept quiet,he held me closer, squeezed me to his body and asked me again if it was because of him?I looked up and our eyes met,he held my jaw with His right hand and said “Jane tell me it's me and I would understand”, trusting he will understand I nodded in affirmation ,then went on to tell him how he'd become a part of me that I wouldn't want to let go,"I'd really miss him so much”
Collins Lent forward and whispered into my ears” this is mutual”, he confessed to have had tough time fighting to keep me away from his thoughts,and how much I'd been an awesome company, he'd definitely miss me.
The next five days which were his last on that visit was the most fascinating moment I've shared with anybody, we bottled up a lot already. there was huge sexual tension between us,Collins confessed he'd made love to me in different positions in his head,”I've made love to you a thousand times in my head,shared with you unspoken words in my subconscious”he told me while we were lying down on his hotel bed,Collins and I spent all day of the five kissing, smooching and making torrid love.
Eventually Collins traveled and I felt hollow, like everything in me was taken away,loneliness overtook me,I found myself crying most times,I couldn't share my missing with anybody because it was my private life, my colleagues were not my friends. Collins called and we shared times together,it was never like physical contact, I missed my companion away all time.
You can imagine my shock when my supervisor walked into my office and asked for a heart to heart talk,I granted him time and he bursted my head,he told the news trending in the establishment about how I spent time servicing the Afro Briton that just left the guest house, he had proofs to back up his story, I took a closer look at the chats and it was Collins discussing me with some other guy,my supervisor said it was the new guy who recently came into our guest house, he said he was concerned, he feared I might fall prey to their antics,to avoid further damage to my personality he decided to bring this to my notice, in that chat Collins told the guy how good I was in bed and recommended me for him to seek out as a sex mate while he stay last,h
As a consultant in the establishment I commanded huge respect, I was hardworking and dedicated, I held Bsc/MSC in food technology and hotel management,the bulk of the office work was on my desk,I didnt want such experience,I prayed the story stop spreading as fast as it started ,my supervisor was very supportive, I opened up to him ,
I didn't see any reason whatsoever to allow Collins into my space,he has been calling and texting,I replied him once and told him he's the dirtiest “human alive “,
Tell me one good reason I should let him or any other man into my space? He claimed it was mutual, he claimed he developed strong feelings for me and wished we could have something concrete, how can one reconcile his act and his words?
"I'm done with men,I dont have energy for some callous individuals".
Admin's Pick
I wanted to give my thought but felt I should bring it on Girl's talk so fellow girls can share their thoughts. even guys.
Is it bad for a girl to be open while dealing with a guy or should the girl just be mute and let the guy do everything?
Question No 2- When do you think a girl should allow sex to happen in her relationship with a guy?is it safe to get intimate with a guy you're just meeting?
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