Women emotions are so deep yet tender and most times very fragile they involve emotion into almost everything concerning them
When it's about relationships with men, women tends to read meaning into every single act, word,sign and gesture
While the man wants to see, the woman enjoys hearing
In most cases women cherishes intimacy, they see everything sacred in it revering whoever that has the privilege of being in their heart
For instance, While most men sees sex as a passive thing, something meant to satisfy and to be enjoyed whenever, wherever and with whomever, women hold dear to their hearts who they get intimate with,
Sex is sacred to most women and they see it as a unifying factor! more as a unit of bonding , a lot of times it's a problem for a woman to get over the man they have shared intimate moments with, when things go sour,.they want to hold on every details and events around them.
To a lot of men there are stages of affection when sex is involved, a friend told me that there are women you would want to cuddle the morning after, some you would kiss and go all the way with and there are some you just want to have at the heat of the moment,to these later category, nothing is worth risking for them
To most women it's all encompassing, the moment a man gets closer they want him to stay forever, it's always very difficult for a woman to let go once a man has spent intimate moments with her ,when a man makes her feel giddy and keeps her heart racing, to her then it means IT IS THE REAL THING! THIS IS THE ONE!!
She wants him to be there always ,she wants him to love her , she wants him to care for her and respect her.
Unlike women ,men seems to see emotions as a girly thing, for most of them ,it's about having fun when they need to and getting serious when it's time,
Since it's different strokes, could it be wise and better if women that falls into this category hold on to the way they feel? or should they begin to see things differently ?
It should not be an indecision and one should never decide not to decide through equilibrium facts this is on our breakfast table, striving to get the men to think like them or hoping to see them change seems like a tall order,
The best is for everyone to learn how to have control over what they feel,and more importantly who they let into their lives.
Being emotionally stable isn't a small business, it needs a lot of work to get our hands around it, but at the end, it's the best work we have ever put in efforts for.
3 Most Outstanding Benefits Being Emotionally Stable Offers.
1,Anyone who is emotionally stable hardly have anyone mess up her life
2, Emotionally stable women hardly settle for less,they know what they want at Every point.
3, Emotionally stable women always have clear cue to who they are choosing, they are not panicky nor desperate
For more on "how to be emotionally stable " send me a mail chicrystal90@gmail.com