Peter And I (Have We Said Goodbye? Pt2) | Love Story Today
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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Peter And I (Have We Said Goodbye? Pt2)


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Massaging my back horizontally with his right hand, he squeezed me gently and pulled me closer, his breath was warm, I  felt anxiety builtt up as he tried  to whisper into my ear 'I don't want to keep saying I'm sorry,its beginning to sound like a random tune" 'Peter said ,I was  quiet all through ,my two hands wrapped cross my chest, I looked into the empty space not ready to say any word.

What would I say even if I wanted to? my mind was blank, my head was empty, I wasn't sure if I could even remember my own name.he held me very close like his life depends on me. 'I love you with every breath in me ' he said ' I love you ' he said repeatedly
I was still quiet, my lips shivered, I didn't want to tell him that I loved him even more, my hands were shaking,i was jittery and afraid  for myself, I hated myself for being too weak, I hated my heart for loving too much, everything was clear I was being cheated on, I was being treated badly yet here I was, on his bed, his soft touch brought me back to reality 'I know it'd be difficult for you to let go but don't forget where we started, how far we've come, it'd be so traumatic for me if we end up ruinning everything ' he continued .

Did he say ruin? I found myself chuckling 'what's there to  ruin ? ' I asked him and looked straight into his face for the first time that evening, I noticed he was ruffled, he looked so pale and unkept. I still went on to tell him what was on my mind 'Peter I think we should be fair to one another, this relationship is ruined already, there is nothing to protect any longer 'I told him,not in the  mood for any closeness with him I pulled the bedspread off my body, got up from the bed and walked to the window

The  rays of light from the  blue  bulb  shone on the flowered curtains making  it look so beautiful, I rolled up  the  curtains so I could see the outside of the city, the stars shone brightly above the dark cloud, soft cool breeze tha  came through flickered my hairs, it was soothing.  I felt calmness return to my nerves as I inhaled the cool night  breeze

I noticed Peter was walking up and down the room, I was determined to hold on, I have had enough. 'Love Is meant to  heal not kill' these words from  my  older brother  echoed repeatedly  in my head
my brother, he'd  never  stopped  blaming me for  being  so careless with  Peter, from the moment I  introduced  Peter to  my  older brother  Jordan he told me  he's  not comfortable "there's  nothing you'd  say that will  convince me,he is a time waster, if you're  saying  you're only  out to catch fun I'd understand, " my brother  Jordan  told me  one evening  about  two years ago, I'd returned  home  that  morning  after a night out with Peter  to meet a fumming  Jordan waiting for  me, "I'm  disappointed in you, come on  what are you  doing? "he barked at  me"I can't believe  you'd be this  careless. "  I stood  and watched  him tonguelash  me but nothing anybody  said  made me  shift  my  feet on what  I believed in  my relationship with  Peter.

It was one of those  weekends  I had little or nothing doing so I decided to  go to the  mall and pick up  toiletries ,Jordan had to see his  childhood friend so I decided  to join him in his car, he drove  me to the  mall and told me to  call him up once  I am done with shopping, I'd spent  five minutes  at the  toiletry section and  decided to  check out  some  denim  tops at the  clothing section ,I'd  spotted  a grey top and I wanted to try it out and see if it  looked good on me" .

"That is a match made in heaven " a husky  voice  came from  behind  me and startled the hell out of me, I turned around  to behold the  most disarming smile I have  ever seen  in my life, he stood  over  6 ft tall, dressed on a black top and black jeans trouser, with  a gold coloured waist jacket pulled over ,his left hand was inside the  pocket of his  jacket  while  the  right hand rested on the  shelf, he was smiling, I took in all details in a glance and couldn't  figure out  his face, he obviously understood  my  situation  because  he closed up the  space  between us  and  said "the top looked good on you","  thank  you " I replied  then  turned away immediately  before  I'd  make a joke with  my stares "I actually   need  to make a choice  between these  two   Juice  if it's  better  sweetend  or unsweetened ?he  had two packs  of citrus  juice in his stretched  out  hands  I took a quick look at them and told him it's better sweetened   if it's not on medical   reasons  ,he settled for the  sweetend  and went over to the  cashier to pay ,I made my  choice of colour and went to the cashier  but he said  someone  is interested in  paying for  me ,I protested but he insisted  and claimed  he'd entered  my stuff already "but I don't even  know his name " I said to no one in particular he stood smiling,"My  name is  Peter " he said ,I stood  not knowing what to say or do,the cashier  packed in my stuff and handed me my  receipt  ,'thank you' I found  myself smiling  at him, just then he  held my hand and started walking  with  me  to the exit, I followed quietly  to avoid the  curiosity  seemingly  building up in the  other customers who were already  looking  at us,

"Where do you  live? " he asked me "habib street " I replied  "Oh I stay off  Walnut, did you drive to the  mall or you came in a cab? " he asked , I told him my older brother  drove me and I was supposed to  call him once I finished, he said there's no  need calling my brother  that he'd  gladly drive me home "better don't  object because  I'd insist " he said  laughing out this time, I didn't know if I'd wanted to object  or I was too carried away with the sudden  drama  ,I agreed to drive  in his car, we got into  his cream coloured  pathfinder and then I noticed  someone else was on the  wheels "Who's he? " I asked him  pointing at the guy on the driver's seat"my cousin  Mike " he replied and said to the guy who  looked almost like him only that  Peter was a bit  lighter in complexion "Mike  say hi to..... "just then it dawned on us he didn't even  know  my name, I didn't tell him my  name  after he introduced himself"Crystal,I am Crystal "I finished it up for him, Mike  stretched out his right hand and took mine,he winked  at Peter and said   "she is an Angel " both  guys  nodded at each other and three of us  bursted  into  laughter.
Inside the  car Peter  introduced  himself  properly ,he was from  same geo political  zone with  me,he lived in another country but came around to see his parents,I told him a little about me, my family and we talked about work and hobby .

Co-incidentally we had one interest in common   -sports -and it's football, we talked excitedly about the  ongoing football  season, our favourite  clubs and players, Peter was  excited to hear  me talk about football the way I did and it made the  conversation  smooth and the drive  short, "Are you  still shopping? ' my  brother asked immediately  I picked up his call p
,we've been neck  deep in our conversation  and I forgot to call him, Peter  had brought  my attention to my phone, I was telling him about  the  memorable  experiences I have  had in my  club and didn't know  my phone was ringing "No I'm almost home " I replied, he asked how I managed and I told him I joined  a friend's car.

We got to my  family house ,Mike  pulled over and I got  down, Peter  got down as well and took my hand  in his"I really appreciate  your   company and  I  would want to see you again "  his eyes  pierced  through  mine  sending an emotional  message, I felt  cold shivers all over  me, I accepted  to see him again  and we agreed  in two days time.
I walked slowly  not allowing  my excitement  show, I got to the  gate and turned, Peter was still  standing where  I left him, I waved  at him smiling, he waved back smiled and started walking towards his car.
"I still don't understand what  you're saying "my  brother  said  walking up and down my room, I was getting ready to  go out with  Peter, I really  don't understand what  he was insinuating "You  met a guy at the  mall two days ago ,you  allowed him bring you home and now You're going out on a lunch  date with him, are you  alright? " my  brother  asked me  I refused  to get into any  argument with him, At 23 years old I think  I was old enough to  take  care of  myself and  I told him that, he was busy  complaining about "accepting too soon" I picked up my bag and started walking out to meet  Peter.
"You're breathtakingly gorgeous! " Peter exclaimed as he led me into his car, I smiled all through the ride, he complimented  my  looks, my  dressing, my smile everything, we settled for a private  kitchen in the outskirts  of the city, Peter said  he wanted somewhere  quiet , we ordered for wine and  local dishes, lunch was delicious  after  we're done with  lunch we  located a vacant  seat at the end of the  hall and sat down and continued gisting.

I couldn't figure out what made it so easy for  two of us  to get so comfortable with each other , okay once at a time we  meet people we're attracted to, it happens like a  magic, you won't see it coming and you  can't even   stop  it, you  are helpless and  you'd find yourself  dancing to  every style from the  beat ,that's exactly what happened between  me and Peter. Just  72 hours  together and  emotions  were flying, he was fun to be with,a smooth  talker, Peter  made every minute with him exciting, it felt like we've been friends since childhood  only lost  contact and now trying  to catch up on lost time.

Covered  up under  my  blanket, I laughed all through  our  chats, we'd  left the  kitchen ,Peter dropped  me off
and promised to  check up  on me later in the  night, he invited  me to Skype  with him, we're on it and he was busy  cracking  me up. I took several look at my  cheek, he'd  kissed me softly  on my  cheek after  I got off  his car, he looked into  my face  steadily  ,that  made  me weak on my knee,I looked away  not wanting him to notice how soft  my eye balls  had become  at his kiss.

I know it's  becoming steady and  soon I may not be able to deal with it, Peter and I met every  48 hours, we talked on the telephone  when  we're  not together, it was clear  we're  developing  emotional feelings, I couldn't  stop  it even  if I'd wanted to but truly  I loved what  I was feeling , it was so fierce and  terrific, Peter dotted on me like I've been the  life  he'd  missed "You're so amazing ,a dear soul  I'd. never get tired of  connecting with " he'd said holding  me very  close to himself, we had gone out to see movies that  evening, "I'm glad I met you, I hope this continues  forever, I don't want this feeling to end' he said  and  brushed  my hairs  backwards  to reveal  my forehead, he bent over  and  kissed me on my forehead, his two hands  squeezed  my  shoulders  gently  and made  me cling  on his nicely built  body,

The  first time  he kissed me on my  lips,I closed my eyes and  let him tickle me, he circled his arm around me,his  whole weight  fell on me, his tongue  went in and out of  my  mouth  sending  waves of pleasure down my spine, his right hand  ran  all over  my  back, caressing me tenderly,"I feel like  squeezing  you and crushing you ' Peter whispered into my ears, I was too weak to respond, I put my  right hand  over his shoulders  and let my  body  lean on his  body, he wrapped   my  legs with  his ,the warmth from his body  made me feel like a baby, he pressed  me to himself and his tongue  closed on mine  sent sweet sensations  all over  me.

We  had gone out to the  beach that  night, had so much  fun playing in the  water, we'd settled into the  mat on the sand and watched the stars gisting the evening away.

I remember how much I cried that night at the airport, I'd followed Peter to see him off to Dallas,his cousin Mike and his close friend Bartholomew were in the car with us,"you 've been crying since last night "Mike said tapping my shoulders" he's not going forever" he probably didn't understand how much closeness I've shared with Peter so he can afford to say  that.I cried some more, Peter held me his wet eyes  could only express how difficult it was  to say good bye,still he had to board  and travel back for business.

Everything stopped making sense to me,I snaped at my brother and everybody around me,Jordan made fun of me,he knew Peter has traveled and kept telling me to brighten up"I know y'all had fun but hey you gotta keep pushing, I'm certain he's gone for good " ,"You're not serious "I spat out at my older brother" why hating unnecessarily " I asked him ...

It was telephone conversations, skype and chats for the next 3 months,Peter didn't let a day pass without checking on me,few times I had slept off in my dad's room only to leave my phone behind while I walked drowsily to my room once my dad woke me up to go to bed,he'd called so early about 6 am and my dad wondered how he did that.
a couple more times and my daddy asked me to invite him to the house, "he's gone back to dallas Dad,maybe when he's on break" I told him
So  it was easy for my  dad to  give me permission to visit peter  at the spring  break
Everything was good and ours seemed like the perfect relationship made in heaven ,Peter promised me a wonderful birthday surprise on my 24th birthday, the first we'd celebrate together,I waited eagerly...the surprise came but it was actually one that  destroyed everything.
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