Does Sex Feel Good For Women?
For some women it does and some it doesnt,some find intercourse painful, frustrating or boring, if you feel this way, you"re not alone.
When a young woman first starts having intercourse, its not always what she expects,
So why does sex not feel good? when a couple is kissing and touching. if the woman is excited, her vagina gets wet and slippery, the woman's vagina has to be wet for the man's penis to slide in easily otherwise intercourse could be uncomfortable for both of them when a woman feels nervous, guilty or afraid her vagina might not lubricate or her vagina might tighten up. this can make intercourse difficult or even impossible.
Maybe you're not enjoying sex because you're worried about
(a)someone walking in on you
(b) getting pregnant.
(c) getting a sexually transmitted infection (d) what your family or friends would think.
(E) being a good sex partner.
( f) family, job, personal stress
(g) You dont really feel turned on.
(H) its over too fast.
(I) it hurts .
(J) you are upset because of past physical, emotional or sex abuse.
(K) you and your partner dont really know what to do.
(L) you tried it once and 'it didnt work'.
(M) the relationship isnt what you hoped it would be or maybe you dont really want to have sex with this person.
You feel guilty because of a sex-negative upbringing
How can i make sex feel more enjoyable,?
The largest organ is the human skin,touching all over can feel wonderful it can be pleasurable to touch and to be touched. the lips and tongues are very sensitive, using the mouth all over the body can be sensual and exciting and make sex feel more enjoyable.
the clitoris has an important role in orgasm and is the most sensitive part of a woman's genitals. it is the small bump at the top of the vulva.
Some women have orgasm more easily and enjoy intercourse more, when the clitoris is touched
Or while the penis is inside the vagina, many women like gentle stroking on the clitoris or around it but others prefer more pressure and ofcourse a woman can learn to come to orgasm by herself through self pleasuring .she may be able to tell her partner what feels good. fantasizing can also help a woman come to orgasm. many women enjoy the closeness of intercouse without orgasm. many women enjoy other ways of lovemaking other than intercourse or penetration
Other ways of making sex more enjoyable.
Spend time getting to know your body on your own. 2. try to talk more with your partner about things that worry or bother you, what feels good and what does not. feeling safe against infection and unwanted pregnancy will help you enjoy sex more. using good condoms every time you have sex could help steady your mind. using a water-based lubricant can help make the vagina more slippery. find other ways to give and receive pleasure
if you have had a confusing or forced sexual experience in the past counselling is available and can help a lot(email me to book a slot for counselling chicrystal90@gmail.com )
But sex is more than intercouse
Sex is a way of saying something to another person. when you talk to someone, you often speak by moving more than just your lips, you speak with your eyes, your laugh, your hands...your whole body. making love to your partner can be like that also using your whole body to explore your partner's enjoying love making also means taking the time to communicate-saying how you feel, what you feel, what you want and dont want and what feels good, when you and your partner learn to talk about and enjoy each other's whole bodies, not just your genitals, you will both be better lovers
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