I Have Been Caught Cheating (Pt2)I Cheated Because I Had No Respect For His Feelings.. | Love Story Today
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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I Have Been Caught Cheating (Pt2)I Cheated Because I Had No Respect For His Feelings..


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One day you will meet someone who's  more fascinating than your  partner, get ready to fight your  own self and be content with what  you  have. 

We have to talk about RESPECT also if we want to  prove  the  cliche  wrong, it is a general consensus that   people  can still  love and respect a partner they are cheating on, to me and in the  true   view point ,it is impossible to cheat on someone you truly love and respect.

We have not loved  God enough to  not desire sin, there's a  limit  people  gets to in their relationship with  God that it becomes difficult for them to sin heavily  against  God, I'm  bringing  this  scenario in because  people will easily  say that  "even God said that we all have  sinned and  come  short of the  glory of  God" ,but we forget that  committing sin is not checked  with  sexual immorality, there are  ten commandments  and array of things that  God commanded us to avoid,

 In all the  things  we pledged to  give to our  partners, If we agreed that sexual  loyalty  is one  impossible  task then I will  say that we are liars ,and there's no truth in us. .

Sex is not the  only thing we can claim  to be fallible in, if we can cheat  on the person we claim to love and respect, then we can lie to them, we can steal from them, we can kill them, we can betray them, we can bear false witness against them, but we say it's  possible to  not do all these to them, how then do we want to make it acceptable that  having  sex with  someone who. Isn't our  partner  is something we can't   avoid?

I decided to  cheat on  Jordan  after I  lost  all the  love and respect  I had  for him, before then he was  my prince  in shining armour, my prPrince Charming,the  only  man I see in the  whole  wide world , remember it was a decision  I took, I was tired of the  relationship, nothing was working. Instead of  letting me go, Jordan  decided to  frustrate me.

We started on a terrific  note, our emotions  swept us away, we didn't  have time to  observe  each other's  attitude to know if we can make an item, we depended on the  emotional rush we  felt and idealized  the  lovely feelings  we shared.

When  his attitude  became  unbearable, the  lid was  blown open and I  was able  to see beyond the  tingling sensation  his name and company made me feel, I found  nothing to  hold on to, it was at last  an empty  pathetic  feeling ,

On One of the  afternoons after  Jordan had  beat  me to pulp,my eyes  closed up in  pains, I ran to  Mike for succputhad left the  house after  having  his fill from pummeling  me and watching   me gnash in pains, that was his lifestyle , barely  seven months  after  I moved into  his house  in Georgia.

Oh I didn't  tell you who Jordan was? He was my  ex-fiance, more like a  husband  because  I was bethroted to him, his very influential  father  saw me at my uncle's company, he was a consultant and my uncle's associate  ,he liked me and  told my uncle that he would  want  his son to marry  me, he brought  him to my family   house  to meet me, I will  confess that I was charmed  by his exposure, his looks  and very  enticing  background, I was naive ,at that time  I had little  knowledge on what  actually  a relationship  needed to  work, spending times with a charming  sophisticated  guy was. It for me, so when my  family  asked me if I was interested in the  proposal, I accepted.

Our families  engaged us and we started  living  life like couples ,it was blissful  at the beginning, Jordan  gave me everything I needed and more ,we made  a happy  pair ,I was in the final  stage in my  studies, so  I   traveled to the  states  to see Jordan, he also visited  my base  from time to time, at this stage  I argued with  my friends that there's  no reason(s) that  could  make someone  who is in a relationship to cheat, for me cheating  was a life for liars and  hopeless  people.

I was in love with a powerful  personality and that's the  happiest  feeling ever.
It came in frickles,then it began to  flood in, Life with  Jordan  became  a nightmare, I wouldnt say he  changed,he was a terrible  lover just that I didn't  see it, I was clouded by the  outter  part of him,Jordan was an animal  in human  skin.

He battered  me without  cause, he screamed  at the slightest  mistake I made, he didn't  allow me  make friends and  stopped  me from communicating with  my old friends ,he gave me rules that I would  live by and beat me up at the  slightest  breach of any of them, worst off  he instructed me to never  mention anything  we did to any of our families "we are couples so everything  begins and ends  here" he'd  tell me each time he felt  I was broken and  may want to  reach out to my family.

I cried  every  second and wondered  how I got myself  into such a corner? All the bliss  I experienced in the earlier  stage of  my relationship with  Jordan  vanished,I became  a shadow of  myself. till today I still  wonder why It took me too long to realize  I was in a prison?

The first thing  Jordan did after  our engagement  was to take me to the registry and married  me legally, without  my parent's  consent, I didn't  complain  though  because  we were  happy   at that time.

Sex was  a  nightmare ,Jordan would just walk in from nowhere and asked  if I had pants on? if I said  'yes' he orders  me to pull it off, when he started  this  abuse  it was  heartbreaking  for me, if I'd  be quiet and  waited to see maybe he'd  realize he's  talking to a woman and not a piece  of furniture, he'd  get to where  I'd be  seated  and push me down, pin me on the bed with  one hand and pull  off my pants  with the other hand and  then ram into  me, there's  no emotion, there's  no feelings ,the pains   will pierce  through  my waist  up to my back, and run all over my body, I'd  lie quietly and endure  his animalistic  displays until  he's done, then he'd  get off and walk  out, I will  curl up on one side of the  bed and cry my  heart and  eyes out.

I was bruised and battered,  I'd   tend my sored  private  parts for days, most times. It won't   heal  before  Jordan  will  come  again, I hated  him, every  day I felt like  stabbing  him in his sleep, but my belief   stood  on my way.

I didn't know  Mike was aware of  my ordeals, he was our  neighbor,one evening  on the road  coming back from the park  Mike stopped  me, Jordan  traveled  out of the  city  so I decided to stroll down to the park,  he was a Kenyan and worked  at the local clinic  downtown. we had been  on talking terms but our conversations had been short and formal  before that  day, Mike looked  straight  into  my eyes and told me that  I was the most beautiful woman  he'd ever seen in his whole  life, there was  a way he said  it  that  got me smiling,Mike told me he's  being real, then asked me why I chose to die at Jordan's house? I was startled, so he knew all these  while? So he heard  my shouts and screams? Oh my !!,how many  of the  other  people  living  in our  neighborhood heard  my cry?slowly I felt  tears  gather  in my  eyes and  dropped  down my face,

 Mike  closed  in the  gap between us and held me tenderly ,his hold was soft and  felt  safe, he took out  his  towel and  cleaned  my face, he walked  to a rock nearby and  helped me seat down, then he sat close-by  me, he held me to his body and allowed me cry.

I felt better afterwards and told  Mike everything I was going through in Jordan's house,Mike comforted me and promised to be a friend to me,he told me that he'd definitely  find a way to help me out.

I found solace in Mike's company, he checked on me anytime there's space and whenever Jordan was around, he stayed away, he called me endlessly on the telephone and sent me soothing text messages,gradually I found myself smiling again. I sneaked out to see Mike and we spent times talking about our lives and our family, I didn't  feel the distance between Jordan and I anymore, his scolding and nagging stopped having effects on me,I'd only laugh at him and go back to where Mike and I stopped.

Then Mike kissed me,it felt different,his touches felt cool and his arms felt safe,spontaneously our bodies entwined, it felt soothing feeling Mike make love to me,it was nothing compared to the nightmare Jordan put me through. life began to make meaning to me once again and I found myself looking forward to a new day.

Maybe Jordan was surprised at the new life I was living,I became my usual self and my skin  radiated ,I didn't know how he did it  but Jordan rushed in on Mike and I one night  and caused a stir,we found a means and escaped, that was  how my relationship with Jordan ended.

Jordan  threatened   fire and brimstone but  I didn't care a thing,his family tried everything to settle the issue but I refused, my family didn't like the fact that I concealed all I went through from them,my brother took Jordan to court and he was charged for assault & battering, it was tough and rough at the same time.

I have had a relationship after this incident and believe me I didn't see any reason to want to cheat,no it felt dirty for me,I had respect for the man in my life, I loved him and we had great understanding, I told him everything that went on in my life and he comforted me and promised to not cause me  pains,we had  misunderstood ourselves in some occasions but it didn't cause strains in our relationship,nothing threatened us to want to break up,I experienced  love  differently, even as I write this I still didn't see anything that can make me cheat on the man I respect, I care about how he will feel,even in his abscence I will not do anything I know that he wouldn't like, I protect his feelings and  wish every day to make him happy and give my  best to what we had.

I met fascinating people along the line,I held on to him,I'd look back each time and all I saw was a caring soul  that was committed to seeing me happy and fulfilled. I felt content.
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