Love Story Today: Family Circle
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Showing posts with label Family Circle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Circle. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Man drugged A 15 Years Old Girl, Shaved Off Her Pubic Hair, Deflowered Her And Made Away With The. Shaved Pubic Hair.

A 39 years  old  man  by name Chika okafor  a resident of 3/16 okete street  mende, Maryland  Lagos  who on the  17th day of October  2018 raped  a 15 years  old girl and  shaved  her pubic hair  has been  arrested.

Mr Chika drove  the  young  girl  in his car to a beer joint and  convinced  her to take  some  liquor,

The  girl  who apparently was a novice  had her first taste of liquor and was  completely  knocked out  after  gulping  a large  quantity of  the  alchlolic  content,seeing  she has become  tipsy, Mr Chika  took  her to a hotel in oshodi .

Getting into his hotel room, he undressed  the  girl, the  girl begged  him to. Let  her go as she  was a virgin ,but Mr Chika Still  went on to shave  her pubic hair and  had sex with  her, he defiled  her and  went  away with  the  pubic hair he shaved off the  teenage  girl.

The  following  morning, Mr Chika  took the  girl to one of his friend's place  at oshodi  ,and had  his way with  her again, he later on  drove the  girl to the  nearest  stop to her residence and  dropped  her  at a junction.

On getting  home, the  girl narrated  her ordeal  to her mum who immediately  petitioned the  Lagos state  commissioner of police Imohimi  Edgal, Mr commissioner  immediately  ordered a  manhunt against the  suspect

He was  eventually  arrested on November  24th by  detectives  attached to the  Gender  unit  of Lagos state police  command and  will  charged to the  family court on Friday  30th November 2018..

The  teenage girl has ran away from home following  threats of dealing  with  her severly by  her mother,
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Man Gave Contraceptives To His Daughter After Sex With Her.

A 56 years old man called  Bello has been  arrested for  allegedly   having  sex repeatedly  with  his daughter in Lagos,

Bello who worked as a security  guard was reported  by  the  school  authority that  he had been  having  sexual intercourse with  his daughter  who lived  with  him, in the  one -room security  post  given to him by the  school.  management.

According to the  girl, her father   sleeps with her every  night, he gave her contraceptives  afterwards  to prevent  her from  taking in.
The  suspect  will be arraigned  in court  on Friday  30th November  2018.

Source /Photo credit - instablog9ja
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